I think for this to play very well, it would have to be presented as something kind of cryptic. Like, nothing so plain as, "I will meet a woman who will select the 3 of clubs." Maybe something like, "Woke up this morning with a weird phrase repeating in my head. Think it'll be important later, so I'm posting it now. The phrase was, "The girls in the stripes will go clubbin', clubbin', clubbin'." There was some weird dance music in there, too. Strange!"
Then you can do some card routines, forcing the 3 of clubs all the way through, and then wrap it up with saying, "Man. This feels like fate .. wait a minute .. you don't follow me on Facebook do you? I made this post, look, it's dated a week ago .. Ah! Clubbin'! Three times! Three of clubs! Man, so glad I figured that out it was messing with my head."
I dunno, something like that.