Saturday Night Contest - theory11 turns 14!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend! Tuesday will mark our 14th birthday, and it is always such a special day for us. Over the past 14 years we have made some incredible memories and have accomplished some spectacular things. When this journey was started we had no idea where it would take us, but as the years went on the bar just kept getting higher and higher. From the very first Bicycle Guardians deck off the press in 2007 to extraordinary collaborations with Marvel, Star Wars, James Bond, and more. The year of 2021 is not over, and we have plenty more surprises in store. But we'll get to those later.

To celebrate our 14th birthday, we just want to know how you found out about theory11. Were you here at the official site launch in 2007? Did you hear about us from a YouTube video? Was it through one of our collaborations? Whatever it was that sparked the interest for theory11, we want to hear about it! We are so incredibly blessed to have you all a part of this community, and share the love and passion for playing cards and magic with us on a daily basis. Without you, none of this would have ever been possible.

Post your response in this forum thread by no later than tomorrow Sunday, August 29th at 11pm EST. Once time is up we will select one random winner to take home 1,000 Elite Points and a Variety Box, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

Good luck!


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2018
I started collecting playing cards and was
Delighted when I found all the beautiful
Theory 11 decks available at my local
Barnes and Nobles bookstore. 🔥🔥🔥
That was probably about 3 years ago. Since
Then I think I have bought every one I found there.
Dec 6, 2020
I found Theory11 when I started watching Chris Orbit brown. I started looking for some playing cards online and then I saw theory 11 having the most elegant playing cards. This is when my journey started. I started watching magic and it really inspired me. Learning magic from theory 11 really helped me break out of my shell. I became really passionate about learning from this because I fell in love of performing to people and their reactions. You just really changed me Theory11 and thank you so much for that.


Elite Member
May 4, 2021
I found out by seeing the NPH deck in a Chris Ramsay video and thought that maybe I needed some neat decks in my life because they are neat. Found Theory11 selling it, now I can't stop buying amazing things from Theory11!

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
I found out about Theory 11 years ago. I believe I stumbled upon them on YouTube. I was a big fan of magic and playing cards. I religiously watched The Exposé to stay updated on the magic community. Since then, I've won some magic contests and bought numerous tricks from Theory11. I'm also glad they're becoming a company that reaches beyond magicians. A few weeks ago I finally tried BoxOne and fell in love. Thanks for all you guys do!
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Elite Member
Dec 3, 2018
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend! Tuesday will mark our 14th birthday, and it is always such a special day for us. Over the past 14 years we have made some incredible memories and have accomplished some spectacular things. When this journey was started we had no idea where it would take us, but as the years went on the bar just kept getting higher and higher. From the very first Bicycle Guardians deck off the press in 2007 to extraordinary collaborations with Marvel, Star Wars, James Bond, and more. The year of 2021 is not over, and we have plenty more surprises in store. But we'll get to those later.

To celebrate our 14th birthday, we just want to know how you found out about theory11. Were you here at the official site launch in 2007? Did you hear about us from a YouTube video? Was it through one of our collaborations? Whatever it was that sparked the interest for theory11, we want to hear about it! We are so incredibly blessed to have you all a part of this community, and share the love and passion for playing cards and magic with us on a daily basis. Without you, none of this would have ever been possible.

Post your response in this forum thread by no later than tomorrow Sunday, August 29th at 11pm EST. Once time is up we will select one random winner to take home 1,000 Elite Points and a Variety Box, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

Good luck!
I saw a Steve Cohen magic show and got his Blue Tycoon deck of playing cards.
Aug 28, 2021
My name is Troy Parra. 26 years old from Tucson Arizona. I had a brain tumor and I was isolated for a while because of this covid thing and really nothing else to do in my room but play guitar and watch movies. I had just picked up a deck of bicycle cards and wanted to learn how to do a good looking fan. I came across a YouTube video for one handed cuts. Then the riffle fan. I was amazed by the tricks so I watched video after video. I was only using standard bicycle decks from the nearest dollar store from me. Then one day I wanted to look for some new cards that had an awesome design. So I googled “best decks for cardistry” and the first name I saw was Monarch by Theory 11. I ordered my first theory 11 deck (monarchs) and it is still the only deck I have that is theory 11. The rest are still bicycle decks. I really love my monarch deck and I’m hoping to get more theory 11 decks soon! It’s been about 4 months now since I bought my first from theory 11.
Apr 4, 2021
It's Now You See Me and Chris Ramsay. When I first started 2 years ago, I saw Chris' videos and saw the monarch deck, then I realized Monarch deck is featured in NYSM and I found theory11.
Dec 5, 2020
I learned about theory 11 when I was looking for some magic tricks. I saw overstuffed and loved the effect. When I bought overstuffed in 2020 I saw more awesome things on theory 11 and I have a been buying tricks from here ever since. Good luck!
Aug 28, 2021
I'm from India and we don't get local made cards which are very nice. I've always loved card tricks which I saw on the U.S. shows which aired here so after nearly 15 years of being in love with them I finally started to learn them but then as I learned a few tricks on the local manufactured cards I wanted to have something which felt justifying all the time which I was putting into it by how it feels. So then I searched for the best cards on Google and almost every list had the t11 Monarchs in them and I just loved them and I also bought a pack of them online.
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