Saturday Night Contest - theory11 turns 14!

Aug 28, 2021
When I first started cardistry about a year ago, the only YouTube channel I knew about was our Puzzle master Chris Ramsay. I remember him praising your Monarchs deck in one of his 'Top 5 decks' videos. And today, I have them and I love them.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2019
Happy Birthday Theory11!!!! Woo Wooo!! When I was 12 I started getting into magic and one thing I loved seeing was all the cool decks magicians had. I always wanted to get a really nice and cool deck. It wasn’t until I was 15 that I got my hands on my first 2 Theory11 decks. I was walking through a Barnes & Noble and I noticed a shelf with some decks of cards. I decided to go take a look. That decision has led to my fascination in decks of cards as well as my collection I now have. So I walked up and spotted the Bicycle Steam Punk deck Theory11 designed and the amazing blue Monarchs! As soon as I saw the Monarchs, I knew I had to get them. After I got home, I looked up the Theory11 site immediately!! I’ve been getting decks from Theory11 since. I may have also snagged some of Theory11’s deck shelves as well. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making these decks! You have inspired me into thinking about starting a deck shop myself one day.


Elite Member
Nov 26, 2017
Happy early birthday, T11!

I found out about Theory11 when I first discovered cardistry thru a YouTube video that was posted by the Virts to promote their newly dropped deck, SS15, back in 2015. I had just learned about cardistry at that point and was super hyped to dive into it and try some flourishes myself. I quickly went onto Amazon and started searching for cool looking decks. Next thing I know, I already had over a dozen decks in my cart that I wanted to buy. One common theme I noticed about most of the decks in my cart was that a lot of them were by Theory11. So naturally, I wanted to find out more about it so I Googled it and found a whole new community out there.


Elite Member
Aug 20, 2010
I was here 4 the launch. I found out about theory11 from reading Lee Asher’s thread “What is theory11“ on the Magic Café [ID4 ducks a chair thrown at him]
May 4, 2021
I remember that I was trying to buy more playing cards set on (I collect playing cards among other things) and I found a special SNL playing card set on amazon. Later I discovered that it was part of a bigger company and I'm so glad that I found it because now I try to buy as many playing cards from you as I can. This year I bought cards of The Mandalorian, Marvel, James Bond, and Star Wars (4 different sets). I can't wait to see what you'll do next.
Oct 7, 2020
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend! Tuesday will mark our 14th birthday, and it is always such a special day for us. Over the past 14 years we have made some incredible memories and have accomplished some spectacular things. When this journey was started we had no idea where it would take us, but as the years went on the bar just kept getting higher and higher. From the very first Bicycle Guardians deck off the press in 2007 to extraordinary collaborations with Marvel, Star Wars, James Bond, and more. The year of 2021 is not over, and we have plenty more surprises in store. But we'll get to those later.

To celebrate our 14th birthday, we just want to know how you found out about theory11. Were you here at the official site launch in 2007? Did you hear about us from a YouTube video? Was it through one of our collaborations? Whatever it was that sparked the interest for theory11, we want to hear about it! We are so incredibly blessed to have you all a part of this community, and share the love and passion for playing cards and magic with us on a daily basis. Without you, none of this would have ever been possible.

Post your response in this forum thread by no later than tomorrow Sunday, August 29th at 11pm EST. Once time is up we will select one random winner to take home 1,000 Elite Points and a Variety Box, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

Good luck!
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
May 8, 2021
Some time ago, I visited my good friend and he told me he bought himself a new fancy deck of cards. Then he showed me the Theory 11 James Bond deck. I was so impressed. The whole night I spent with these cards in my hands, exploring them and playing with them. I am a Graphic designer so I admired every detail.
The first thing I did after coming home was searching on the internet for a brand that made these beautiful cards. I found the Theory 11 web page and since then, I am a huge fan. Happy Birthday, Theory 11.
Oct 7, 2020
I had no idea there were such things as custom playing cards. I found theory 11 by accident last year while looking up a trick by Chris Kenner. Wandering into the site was like walking through a portal into a magical land. I was mesmerized and, breaking the magician’s code, I started telling everybody about it. I get lost in here sometimes. I cherish everything I have from you. You make everything beautiful. Happy Birthday! I hope you live forever.
Aug 29, 2021
I started collecting playing cards a few years ago and started looking for interesting decks all around the web.
One day I saw this beautiful combination of dark blue and gold and wanted to know what this was.
I found out that it was the so called "Monarchs" deck by "Theory 11" and I knew that I needed that.
Ever since that day, about 5/6 years ago I still have exactly that first Monarchs deck sitting on my shelf surrounded by more and more different decks.
Mar 1, 2018
I found Theory 11 about three years ago when I was starting out in magic. I was probably looking for some playing cards and I found this page. I immediately logged in, it was my first magic site that I used regularly. Since then I've started using some other magic sites, but Theory11 is still one of the best and I still come on here very often to see what's new. Happy birthday Theory11!

Nikolay Karagyozov

Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
Happy 14th Birthday, Theory11!

I know about theort11 since the launch of the site. I got into magic in 2005 and was one of the first customers!
The way you guys have improved is just mindblowing, and not only that, but I have improved myself thanks to you just as well!
I wish you all the best for the future, cant wait to see what you guys have prepared for us ❤



Elite Member
Jan 20, 2013
I don't remember how I found out theory11 but I was into magic back at that time. And there were sites like,,, etc. So yeah my interest in magic made me aware of theory11
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