Saturday Night Contest - theory11 turns 14!

Feb 21, 2020
One day in my Pre-Cal class in junior year my friend and I would play cards every day, usually Rummy. He then told me ab T11 and the high quality cards. So I looked it up and saw the Star Wars light and dark side decks so I bought 2 of each and since then I have purchased tons of Cards from T11! You guys started my card addiction and I thank y’all for that!
May 15, 2021
Late night shopping was looking for 3 decks of cards for me and 2 other friends but I feel in love with all your cards. I ended up buying 12. One of the best 2 am shopping sprees I have ever been on

Bernard lopez

Elite Member
Nov 22, 2018
I was in a Barnes & Noble and saw some playing Cards that to me were beautiful. I never seen cards like this before which turned out to be Theory 11 Cards. So I purchased them and while reading the Tuck Box learned the web site. Now I've found a new hobby collecting card, just cant help it with all the different beautiful cards out there. This was about 2 maybe 3 years ago. Thanks Theory 11 !!!
Mar 26, 2021
My son loves playing cards, especially elaborately designed decks. I was researching new decks online and came across Theory 11. We love the cards. Plus he and I have dabbled in magic so your site is perfect for us!
Aug 28, 2021
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend! Tuesday will mark our 14th birthday, and it is always such a special day for us. Over the past 14 years we have made some incredible memories and have accomplished some spectacular things. When this journey was started we had no idea where it would take us, but as the years went on the bar just kept getting higher and higher. From the very first Bicycle Guardians deck off the press in 2007 to extraordinary collaborations with Marvel, Star Wars, James Bond, and more. The year of 2021 is not over, and we have plenty more surprises in store. But we'll get to those later.

To celebrate our 14th birthday, we just want to know how you found out about theory11. Were you here at the official site launch in 2007? Did you hear about us from a YouTube video? Was it through one of our collaborations? Whatever it was that sparked the interest for theory11, we want to hear about it! We are so incredibly blessed to have you all a part of this community, and share the love and passion for playing cards and magic with us on a daily basis. Without you, none of this would have ever been possible.

Post your response in this forum thread by no later than tomorrow Sunday, August 29th at 11pm EST. Once time is up we will select one random winner to take home 1,000 Elite Points and a Variety Box, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

Good luck!
I got interested in playing cards and started collecting them and looked up the finest ones and started collecting them too, the finest were theory 11 of course🔥🔥🔥

Amit R.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I heard the term cardistry on some show and ended up finding an Andrei Jikh video demonstrating it. Showed it to my elementary students who wanted to see more. Which sent me down the rabbit hole and eventually to find the product demo video for a pack of theory 11 cards. Been a fan ever since.
Aug 12, 2021
I first heard of Theory 11 from a YouTube video made by Chris Ramsay, the video was published awhile ago but I saw it only a month ago because I'm only 3 months into magic. He talked about how good their playing cards are and I just had to check 'em out. when I did, I found out about all the cool magic they sell, and I recently made my first purchase, the Self Tying Shoe laces, French Kiss, Animation, and Odyssey. They are all wonderful effects and Chris was right about the quality of their products. On my next purchase Imma get one of their build your own bricks and I can't wait to see the quality of the cards.
Apr 2, 2021
Pretty sure I found out about Theory 11 through Chris Ramsay. It was either his NPH deck review or his card collection showcase where he mentioned T11. Checked it out and been buying cards from here ever since! Some of the best quality out there! Good luck to everyone 🍀

markus ng

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I found out about Theory11 not long after I started getting in to magic. That was 11 years ago so probably 2010. Theory 11 seemed like something for professionals - and most of the stuff you guys put out is. So it showed me a different side to magic (from the cheesy youtube stuff). I've been religiously collecting the decks you put out and have some rare gems like the white centurions, green rarebit and the original gold monarchs (not the gold gold one but the gold lined ones in the blue box - limited to 90). My first purchase directly from you guys are probably a set of Sentinel uncuts and some decks! Love theory 11 and will continue to love you guys as long as your direction continues in the same way! Love all the way from Singapore!
Aug 9, 2021
I’m a late bloomer very late actually, only really started collecting cards at a young 50ish years old. I’ve always loved cards and magic and Theory11 never disappoints. I wasn’t there at the beginning but I’m there now
Jul 4, 2021
I initially heard about Theory11 in 2015 when my high school programming class became obsessed with card magic. Everyone was looking at cool decks such as Ellusionist’s Black Tiger and Theory11’s very own Monarchs. However, it wouldn’t be until earlier this year in 2021 that I finally got my first T11 deck. After rekindling an interest in magic and starting to collect cards, I rediscovered these amazing cards in the form of the Mandalorian deck. Several purchases, a lucky Gold Artisan find, and one SNC win later, I have now added quite a few T11 decks to my collection, and I won’t stop until I have as many different ones as I can get! Now if only the NYSM Monarchs weren’t so expensive...


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
My first purchase was a deck of David Blaine Split Spades on April 19th, 2008.

How I got here was stumbling upon DB's "Drowned Alive" special on television. That was cool.

A little while later, I happened upon a hardcover "remaindered" copy of his Mysterious Stranger (Remaindered books are books that are no longer selling well, and whose remaining unsold copies are liquidated by the publisher at greatly reduced prices. When a hardcover book comes out in paperback, the original, unsold copies of the hardback are often remaindered).

That book felt like a key that opened a door into an entire world. The history of an entire universe I barely knew existed.

Then, well... Google!

Which eventually, somehow, led me here. And my very first purchase.

I still have that deck, too. It is WRECKED. Cards have been dropped multiple times, first faulty faro shuffles leaving edges like victums of shrapnel. But I just can't toss it.

It was the first deck I ever performed with. The first deck I learned to fan with.

It taught me so much.

13+ years later, I'm still here. Geeked for the future. Grateful as ever.
Aug 4, 2020
Bayville, NJ
I first heard of Theory11 from “Now You See Me” movies and I had to pick up Monarch Cards. Then later I saw Bicycle Arch Angels and Black Artisans which are the most beautiful cards that I have seen. This started my collection and it has grown from there. As my collection grows so does my magic. Happy 14 years Theory 11.
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