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  1. Lyle Borders

    T11 media silence?

    We just post in other places more often! We post on Instagram all the time. Our posts to the Media section are less regular. // L
  2. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Fact Sheet – Monarch Eleven Madison Park Edition

    I wish it was mine, but alas I don't have one of these decks. I added the best photos I could find off the internet for reference. // L
  3. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    No. V2 would indicate a major change. These are small changes between earlier printings. We would not say that Monarchs have a V2. If you want to number, you would be better off using something like V1.0, V1.1, V1.2, etc. Red Monarchs had a major change - we completely changed the primary...
  4. Lyle Borders

    Vaping around your cards

    It is ALMOST ALWAYS this. // L
  5. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    They aren't really "rare", they are just hard to get, and there aren't many of them out in the wild at the moment. That said, most people don't have one yet, so of course you are! Coming soon! Definitely not a "garbage" edition. Printed with the same care and using the same materials as...
  6. Lyle Borders

    Impossible Bottle

    No thread bumping. This one was dead for 5 years. If you want to talk about the same subject, feel free to create a new thread. Thanks! // L
  7. Lyle Borders

    Can you pleeeaaaase ban this guy from creating more spam?

    If someone ever gets past this new spam tool (and they will), just hit the report button on that post. It flags the post for the next Mod or Admin to take care of. Once we show up, we can wipe that spammer off the map (even if they have posted hundreds of times) with two clicks. // L
  8. Lyle Borders

    Steampunk “Versions” - Is there a V1 and V2?

    Heh, yes I will. Short story. We made the Steampunk Bronze deck. The tuck was all sorts of shiny foil. We loved it. USPC wanted to licence the design from us, so we let them. They made, what is in most people's opinions, a terrible choice in removing the foil from their version. I believe...
  9. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    There are FOUR versions, funny enough. I'll add them to my list. Thanks! // L
  10. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    We print thousands of decks at a time, so weirder things have made it through QC than this. Absolutely guaranteed that this was not a prototype. We don't package any of our prototype decks in the final tuck case. Only final (release-ready) decks make it into the final tuck case and get cello...
  11. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    Early printing, that is the best that can be said. 4 leaves indicates that it is within the first couple printings. No seal simply means that the machine failed to apply the seal as it was packaged. No versions were ever intentionally released without a seal. // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    How Many Uses Healed And Resealed

    ^This. Over 100 pre-made gimmicks. The original Healed and Sealed showed you how to make your own, but did not include any gimmicks. The gimmick is easy to make, but tedious. To make over 100 would take you HOURS. The new version includes a whole bunch pre-made to make the process easier and...
  13. Lyle Borders

    perfect cents sounds really familiar...

    With modification. If someone says "83" you will have to say something like "Since we don't have pennies anymore, do you want to round up to 85, or down to 80?" It sounds a bit odd at first, but in the reveal it will make sense. Otherwise, it works fine. Even easier, really. // L
  14. Lyle Borders

    perfect cents sounds really familiar...

    ... Not see through...? Haha. Really, most any pants, so long as they have a decent front pocket. Back pocket would be possible, but awkward. Deeper pockets would be better. Something like the little pocket next to your front pocket on most jeans is too small. A cargo pocket will work, but you...
  15. Lyle Borders

    perfect cents sounds really familiar...

    Seconds. If you are out of sight of spectators, this will take mere moments to reset. You can probably do it in sight of spectators too with practice. // L
  16. Lyle Borders

    Difference between these 2 effects?

    Cosmo's original version (called International Pocket Change) of this effect came out before Greg's. Ours is his latest iteration of it, but this trick is far from new. The Perfect Cents gimmick is all new, specifically engineered for this effect. It's a completely different device than Exact...
  17. Lyle Borders

    Unpopular opinions

    I would agree in a heartbeat, if it weren't for the fact that it was a rope trick that got me into magic in the first place... haha. I like VERY few rope tricks out there. They don't generally seem magical to me. That said, I recently watched Mac King at a show out here in the PNW. While his...
  18. Lyle Borders

    Unpopular opinions

    ^THIS. // L
  19. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Fact Sheet – Monarch Eleven Madison Park Edition

    Possible. All it takes sometimes is a collector to be reminded that they have a specific rare deck for them to list it for auction. There has been a LOT of chatter the last few months about the EMP Monarchs, so that could be a result of the show as well. // L
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