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  1. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Create A Trick!

    A trick I called "Slowmotion"... slow the fall of anything... enjoy!
  2. Luis Vega

    How active is the market currently?

    thanks for your reply!! I wanted to ask if you have tricks on the market? I totally agree with you, but I wanted to know personal experience!
  3. Luis Vega

    How active is the market currently?

    Hello!! I am thinking on releasing some tricks of my own and I wonder how active is the marketplace now? also if somebody that has tricks on it could PM, it would be great!! thanks!!
  4. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - World Water Day

    Hello! So I had a show for a private event and I decided to include a trick for Water Day Quick overview because is in Spanish I am explaining one of the technologies that allows to take water from moisture in the air, then I tell them I grab some moisture with a whirlwind and then collect it...
  5. Luis Vega

    Unpopular opinions

    I think you can do a 1 hour show without ropes and ballons... I normally don`t do show for kids... but this one was well paid and I wanted to do something more fun and playful...
  6. Luis Vega

    Unpopular opinions

    that is way better... when a magician takes out a red silk and pretends that people is related to it... I stop watching
  7. Luis Vega

    Unpopular opinions

    and what do you think about silks?
  8. Luis Vega

    Unpopular opinions

    rope tricks should just die now... while there are some good tricks, is very difficult to make spectators relate to the props.. same with silks....
  9. Luis Vega

    What effects have you added to your act...

    I rarely add magic I bought to my act... but from here I usually use the Amaze Box for a Mentalism routine and watermark... most of the time my routine are self made or combinations of trick I download or buy...
  10. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Something Scary

    Here is my entry... I have a dark magic show next week.. and I was experimenting with some dark theme magic... let me know what you think...
  11. Luis Vega

    Promo Reel advice?

    I think this video is great to show people you style and energy!! I like it that way... However for getting clients this video is not good... because there in not much social proof... also when you quote somebody you put "client"... that doesn´t tell anything to a potential client... an even...
  12. Luis Vega

    Promo Reel advice?

    I have some questions.... what is the goal for this demo? do you want to show you magic? do you want to get clients? do you want to get more followers on social media? what is the market you are looking for?
  13. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Cards In Action

    Here is my entry:
  14. Luis Vega

    Thank You Theory 11

    Great to see this! I am glad you get to share magic and it`s awesome to see Theory11 doing this too!! Have a great day my friend!!
  15. Luis Vega

    Help with APP

    Hello everyone!! I hope you are great! I wanted to ask you some advice. A company wants me to help them design an app for their clients... the app is more like a program where they want the clients to see something magical.. ex. In the David Cooperfield show you give you mail and a prediction...
  16. Luis Vega

    Help on Seminar

    thanks man!!
  17. Luis Vega

    Help on Seminar

    Hey Rick!! Thank you so much for the suggestions!! Yes, they are allowed to use props... basically I am teaching a group of people to do magic tricks as a teambuilding exercise... in teams of 3 they will present a routine where the 3 must be involved to a group of homeless children!! nice eh...
  18. Luis Vega

    Help on Seminar

    Hello everyone!! I hope you are having a great weekend!! I am sorry I haven´t been here for sometime... but I am back!! Anyway, I wanted to ask you some advice... I need some suggestions on stage magic... I would like to hear your opinion on tricks that can be done by 3 people (not all 3 are...
  19. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - First Impessions

    I have a different opener since I do a lot of stage work... but here is a quick opener I used to perform in close up or stand up setting... it´s quick and visual.. and give room for a closer with the cage... sorry for the sleepy face!! have a great sunday everyone...
  20. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - CHAOS

    Quick magic... this trick I call "Half Change" Totally practical, easy and angle free!! enjoy!!
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