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  1. Luis Vega

    People actually liked this guy??

    this is a joke right?
  2. Luis Vega

    Is it just me or is the pass overrated?

    I agree in someway.. because having a great pass, takes time... but if the audience you have are constantly trying to catch you.. there is a problem with your presentation..
  3. Luis Vega

    Artists VS Viewers

    Are you steerpike?
  4. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Quarantine Magic!

    Way too dishonest... he even said that he "got it" on 3rd try... also... he should at least "try" to post a unknown video... Congrats to the winner and honorable mentions!!
  5. Luis Vega

    ONLY 1!

    My floating ring trick... I can rebuild my career with that trick in no time...
  6. Luis Vega

    How are you doing?

    I was thinking on putting some content on my youtube... I only use it to have testimonials, demo videos, etc... and not creating a following... but I think this is a good time to work on it... I have a couple of other projects to work on... but I am also a little bummed, because I got some...
  7. Luis Vega

    Little Help with Parlor Magic.

    I would do something with a member of the audience... like an easy mind reading routine, or levitate his/ her ring... also you can do a card trick with somebody in the audience.. you can force it and appear it below a table or any imposible location...
  8. Luis Vega

    Educating 'Laymen' and Tired of...?

    Of course I only wear fancy clothes on my gigs.. and I rarely do magic outside the events... and my IG and FACEBOOK look profesional as so my webpage... amateur magicians rarely have a webpage... even when I wear everyday clothes, I try to look good, smell nice, etc... informal.. but nice! Most...
  9. Luis Vega

    Educating 'Laymen' and Tired of...?

    Nothing special... everything in me is designed to look profesional and expensive... from the bussines cards, the venues I perform, the type of event, and even my clothes...
  10. Luis Vega

    Educating 'Laymen' and Tired of...?

    at the begining... I would tell them that Magic is not only for kids...fortunately.. that hasnt happened to me in a long time... my image and the magic I do prevents them to even think on asking me for a kids party...
  11. Luis Vega

    Unpopular Opinion: Stage Magic is Harder Than Close Up

    jajajaja... its more than just having a good show... there is a lot involved... but esentially.. its all about work and will to succedd...
  12. Luis Vega

    Unpopular Opinion: Stage Magic is Harder Than Close Up

    I alway request to the client to provide sound and lighting for the show... including the crew... its clear in the raider... and no.. it´s no a close up show..its a stage show... You should stop putting excuses and get to work... I know a mentalist that charges 30,000 USD for an hour show...
  13. Luis Vega

    Unpopular Opinion: Stage Magic is Harder Than Close Up

    I have a succesfull stage show that has been performed for 2,500 people in a big venue... but its normal for me to perform it from 100 people... The show costs around 600 dollars... and by that I mean the total invesment I have done to create it... @Casey Rudd is right... is all about the...
  14. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Create A Trick!

    Awesome!! thank you very much!! I am glad you enjoy the trick!! Of course I will contact the support team and thanks again for an amazing contest... have a great week everyone!!
  15. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Create A Trick!

    This is my reply for the contest... the date of the contest is in the paper and the back of the paper... hope you like it...
  16. Luis Vega

    What are some iPhone magic apps that are actually worth getting?

    city prediction... I like it!!
  17. Luis Vega

    Can we all agree to stop doing this?

    Personally I would recommend doing some magic to a girl... if she is already interested in you and outside you character if you have one... There is nothing wrong in sharing magic with a girl you like!! but you better have something more to show her (good personality, interesting things to say...
  18. Luis Vega

    What does "Most magicians should have this in their drawer somewhere" mean?

    invisible thread wax a couple of kids magic tricks
  19. Luis Vega

    Funny or Not So Funny Screw Ups - No Way Out

    Yeah.. I also felt bad and I wasnt even there... crap.. no recovery for that I guess...
  20. Luis Vega

    Funny or Not So Funny Screw Ups - No Way Out

    I was performing for a somewhat famous singer here in Mexico... and I have a levitating ring routine... Then this guy has a ring so I start the routine with his ring and everything goes great. right until I start levitating it... the thread broke a mili second before I start spinning it and it...
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