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  1. Luis Vega

    Outdated magic

    I agree that only if you set the style of the show you could introduce outdated props... as there are some awesome magic with old props... however... it´s difficult to connect with people in the way that those props are very unfamiliar by todays standards...
  2. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Set A Record!

    This is my entry... usually I am more quick and classy than this... but this time was about quantity and tried to do it as clean as possible because I usually appear like 15-20 at a time... let me know what you think... 39 cards from a backpalm (You may count less... but I had some double...
  3. Luis Vega

    Outdated magic

    I don´t think so... there are outdated magic.. maybe not outdated concepts...but definitely out of time props...
  4. Luis Vega

    Outdated magic

    I think they are a lot of concepts that can be used in a modern way... but old magic by itself cannot.. simply because people nowadays are not familiarized with certain concepts or objects (top hat, canes, silks, etc) Unless is part of your character...
  5. Luis Vega

    Outdated magic

    I think they will be gone in sometime.. due to treatment of animals (even circus has banned animals) or using animals for entertaining purposes... other than that... maybe using it in a modern way (and by that I mean without a frac a las lance burton) it could be a nice surprise in a show...
  6. Luis Vega

    Outdated magic

    Floating table has been used to the death by LOTS of magicians that look for an easy ending (myself included) I use my slates as normal chalkboards when doing mind reading... about 9- 10... the same with ropes... there are a couple of tricks that are awesome.. but most of them are trash....
  7. Luis Vega

    Outdated magic

    Maybe the trick where you pull out silks from somebody and lingerie comes out... I do see it been used by magicians in a sexist way...
  8. Luis Vega

    Outdated magic

    Hello everyone! I hope you are all safe and sound! I wanted to ask you what kind of magic you think should just dissapear due to being outdated? I personally think this kind of magic: 1.- CD magic 2.- Rope Magic 3.- Magic with silks And a lot more... but I feel that it has run it´s course...
  9. Luis Vega

    Demo Pass vs. Pass in real life

    A video would help.. I have no idea of what you are talking about regarding the pass...
  10. Luis Vega

    Magic Fails

    No I didn´t... it was a total failure... sometimes you need some of those to realize you need backup plans and be more prepared.. that was like 8 years ago...
  11. Luis Vega

    Magic Fails

    Ah yes... I had a dancing cane routine to present a singer... it was supposed to be a quick number and then I introduce the singer... I step onto the stage..the music starts.. everybody pays attention... and then I broke the thread... I got goosebumps just to remember that fail....
  12. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Favorite!

    Propaganda... they were my favorite and one of the first custom deck I ever bought... it´s a shame we canno longer get them... I would buy inmediately!! :)
  13. Luis Vega

    Ribbon Spread Message.

    I would use an old deck.. spread it and then write the word.. very short word.. but I would elong the letters a little bit... this will give you some room to work while getting used to the spread..
  14. Luis Vega

    Red Pile Black Pile.....but face up

    I don´t know... it looks way to good for me.. also the lack of reaction of the spectators puzzles me... they should be reacting way more even in the beggining...
  15. Luis Vega

    Trilogy by Dan & Dave

    just buy it... you won´t regret it...
  16. Luis Vega

    How do psychics still exist?

    People want to believe in something... and this people (the psychics that scam people out of their money) exploit that... there will be always people willing to believe anything, and just because of them, the psychics will always exist...
  17. Luis Vega

    Superiority Complex

    I have follow a tactic since the begining of my magic career... and it´s that I don´t really care about magicians in general... nor the big or small community... I mean this in the way that I concentrate on my style, my work and my bussiness (since magic is a bussiness for me) and don´t pay...
  18. Luis Vega

    Superiority Complex

    I have an IG where I upload magic videos.. but its also very bussiness oriented... so I have lots of clients and companies following me... whenever I see a comment of a magician comenting that he caught me or knows how it works I just delete him/her... and if they continue I block them... the...
  19. Luis Vega

    Pointing In Magic

    Doesnt make sense to me... I think it´s way better to act as there is nothing going on... also I might add.. a common mistake I see in almost all magicians (particulary card magicians) is they describe what is happening... like "I am going to take your card and put it in the top of the deck...
  20. Luis Vega

    Magic Movies

    I mostly HATE magic movies... they create an urealistic image of magicians... when Now You See Me was released I had people constantly asking me why I didnt do magic like them on my shows... 99% of the magic of those movies are special effects and people doesnt seem to realize the difference...
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