Search results

  1. Luis Vega

    Pick your consultant!

    I would definitely pick a magician, a comedian and a writer to consult the show...
  2. Luis Vega

    Chivalry Between Magicians

    Hey everyone! I have something to share that happened to me some days ago. first a backstory: Around 6 years ago I meet a guy in a party and told me his uncle was a magician and he was sure he would love to meet me.. so he arranged a meeting at his house... and then I meet this very old...
  3. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Magic Moment

    Magic only exists when an spectator sees it... and when its shared to the world... if you have the greatest trick but only you see it... it doesnt exist... Here is the instant where you can see the Magic in the eye of the spectator and the willingness to keep the moment forever in their phone...
  4. Luis Vega

    Extremely High Standards on Magic

    Thank you for your response! indeed, the process of creating a custom magic event is as interesting as the show itself! the song is by my favorite artist is Unveil by The Anix
  5. Luis Vega

    Magic through video call.

    Also.. invisible deck.. I use that one to open my virtual shows... quick, easy and also establishes your reputation real quick
  6. Luis Vega

    Extremely High Standards on Magic

    Here is the video of the event, in case anyone wants to check it out!
  7. Luis Vega

    Extremely High Standards on Magic

    Hello everyone! EDIT: I have video of the event and it´s edited to last around 1 min... I will share it here until monday, because the client has an official launch date tomorrow, so he doesn´t want anyone to spoil it... be sure to return here on monday to see it! I have something to share...
  8. Luis Vega

    Sleights that elude you.

    Maybe you have mastered it... but sometimes as magicians we think is never good enough...but in reality is great! if you use the sleights to perform for people... maybe you don´t need it to be perfect... Remember... you will never be truly ready... only ready enough...
  9. Luis Vega

    Sleights that elude you.

    Diagonal Palm Shift... I used to do it with 4 cards!!...Now I cannot for the life of me, do it with one... :(
  10. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Impossible Snapshot!

    you can post it here directly... I assume you can do that.. besides, Instagram is free.. so you can do an account for this and future contests
  11. Luis Vega

    Helmet Trick

    Yes, I have the helmet (I cannot take pictures of it... jejeje) I have a very strong thread that i can divide in strands... I was thinking using a routine like "The Floating Ball" by Luis de Matos (I have the dvd and the thread that comes along... but I don´t think that thread can hold the...
  12. Luis Vega

    Helmet Trick

    Hello everyone! I hope you had an awesome new year start! I wanted to ask some opinion here... I was hired to do a trick to present a new Motorcycle helmet... I threw some ideas and they liked it! However I do want to know if there are other options that I haven´t think of... Here are some...
  13. Luis Vega

    Lets Talk Resolutions.

    Get ripped af, consolidate my corporate magician bussiness... and finish the "Memento Project"
  14. Luis Vega

    Article in LA Times about Magic Castle - L.A.’s storied Magic Castle shaken by allegations of sexual

    So? the racist insults @Liderc endured should be accepted by him because the people saying it"grew up on it"? yeah.. not gonna happen and no... accusing people of "overreacting" and "hypersensitive" is the new way to say "wahh!!! let me say racist, hate, rude and misogynisct stuff without...
  15. Luis Vega

    Article in LA Times about Magic Castle - L.A.’s storied Magic Castle shaken by allegations of sexual

    It always has been wrong and racist, its just that now we acknowledge that.. like it was “ok” in germany in the ww2 to attack jews... times change and has nothing to do with “being offended”
  16. Luis Vega

    Holiday Wheel 2020

  17. Luis Vega

    New elite membership card?

    Thanks for the update!! I cannot wait to see what are the extra goodies!!
  18. Luis Vega

    Article in LA Times about Magic Castle - L.A.’s storied Magic Castle shaken by allegations of sexual

    Can you tell us more about your experience? maybe not saying names of the people at the castle... but to give an accurate account of what happened to you? I think this is horrifying and should be addressed...
  19. Luis Vega

    Holiday Wheel 2020

    I don´t know man... but you can do BOTH at the same time (playing the wheel and working to get stuff) besides.. the wheel only takes a minute to spin and there are probable sweet prizes... is what I do BTW...
  20. Luis Vega

    Virtual Events

    Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day over there! I wanted to ask you if somebody here has done a virtual event? I have some questions about some issues I have found during mine... I do have some live events for december... but a couple of them are virtual.. so I wanted to clarify...
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