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  1. Rev

    Psychological 'Magic'

    You can't go wrong with Banachek's 'Psychological Subtleties' series of books. They're basically all psychological methods for mentalism. Rev
  2. Rev

    Dealing cards in street magic

    That will totally work in people hands, it's perfect for it in fact. Go for it! Rev
  3. Rev

    Dealing cards in street magic

    Depends on the trick really. Something likely Karl Fulves 'Gemini Twins' could be done in the spectator's hand (and I have seen it done this way), but you'd but hard pressed to make something like Daryl's 'Untouched' or Paul Curry's 'Out of this World' without a surface to deal on to. I...
  4. Rev

    Would a post on social media from a week earlier be a good way to reveal the cards that they picked?

    'Yes. Wow. what an idea!' Hard to get quite that excited about it when it's already been done (2 years ago no less)... I'm sure this isn't the only time it's been done either, this is just the video that popped into my head when I read your post. Rev
  5. Rev

    Sleight of hand feedback

    This move is actually a lot more similar to Ed Marlo's 'Topper' move (funnily enough, another of Sankey's go to moves). What's missing in @MCmagic 's video though, is the 'large movement' of turning over the hand to cover the 'switch'. That doesn't change the fact it's still not original and...
  6. Rev

    I'm doing research about magic tricks (and other hobbies), can you help?

    I got the original version years ago for Christmas. It's nearly impossible to read comfortably given the size but it looks stunning. Rev
  7. Rev

    New trick

    @RealityOne right now:
  8. Rev

    New trick

    I don't wish to dampen your enthusiasm but the fact that you primary source of reference is 'a guy from America's got talent' suggests that this is unlikely to be original. Even the DM routine is not that original. You'll often find that trick in beginners magic books, DM just added to...
  9. Rev

    I'm doing research about magic tricks (and other hobbies), can you help?

    Denis Behr, a German card magician. Search his name and you'll find it. Rev
  10. Rev

    YouTube Rant (Moderator Note: Strong Language)

    Spot on mate! Well said. Rev
  11. Rev

    What makes a great Finale for you guys?

    I like things that leave a definite, final 'image'. For example, you might have four aces on the table and a spread-out blank deck, or three cups with three lemons on top. In other words, something you could take a photograph of and it would pretty much sum up the whole trick. Currently my...
  12. Rev

    YouTube Rant (Moderator Note: Strong Language)

    Love the Star Wars cards idea! I'm sure everyone knows this, but Derren Brown did a version of OOTW on his tv show where the spectator separated pictures of people that we're either living or dead. I also saw Rob Zabrecky at a convention a few years back and he did a version where the...
  13. Rev

    YouTube Rant (Moderator Note: Strong Language)

    I probably should have read the whole thread properly first to see I have basically made exactly the same point (with exactly the same example!) as Christopher... ...My bad! Rev
  14. Rev

    YouTube Rant (Moderator Note: Strong Language)

    I was actually thinking about this today, and I don't actually think it's true. I think it was Vernon who said that every 'good' magic trick can be described in a single sentence. The flip side of this, is that it does actually make some really good magic tricks really easy to find with a...
  15. Rev

    Magic and Law

    Thanks for posting this dude, really interesting reading! I'm an accountant and as part of my training we had to do some law modules (mostly contract and tort law) which I found really interesting, so it's nice to see something law related with magic as a basis. Nice one. Rev
  16. Rev

    Method exposed on Youtube

    Let Dan & Dave know and they can submit a copyright violation notice to Youtube. The fact it is their actual video means it is definitely a copyright issue. Rev
  17. Rev

    Do we have the right?

    Can I just clear one thing up here: There was NO copyright claim made against me. This was never about me using the trick, it was about Paul using my video without asking first. I was the one who made the claim to Facebook on the basis that Paul ripped my video from Youtube and uploaded it to...
  18. Rev

    When card tricks go wrong.... :(

    Haha! Funnily enough, I was thinking the exact same thing! Rev
  19. Rev

    When card tricks go wrong.... :(

    Thanks man, glad you got a chance to see it. I did see your comment, Thanks. I'm not petty enough to do what you suggest though, would rather just leave it. Just to be clear, it was my choice to remove the video, not Youtube, so there was nothing to 'fight' against, but you are right. Paul...
  20. Rev

    When card tricks go wrong.... :(

    Sorry guys, video removed. The creator of this trick (Paul Gordon) ripped the video from Youtube, removed my titles and uploaded it to his own Facebook page without so much as a message to me. Despite me reaching out to him, and given the video was my own, I was forced to file a copywriter...
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