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  1. Rev

    Separate coins signed, signatures appear on the same coin later

    Michael Murray's 'Murray Mint' ( has an Anniversary Waltz type handling included where two coins of different denominations are signed and both signatures end up on one coin. Rev
  2. Rev

    Help - Cups Upside Down Book This is what you want. A real blast from the past for me as I used to do the trick you described as a kid. It seemed to be in pretty every beginner's magic book I could get my hands on (using drawing pins as the method) Rev
  3. Rev

    Unpopular opinions

    Massive Chan Canasta fan here so no arguments from me. He used playing cards almost exclusively and yet everyone thought he was the real deal and had genuine ability to make people do what he wanted. It's not the prop, but the way you use it. Rev
  4. Rev

    Unpopular opinions

    The Classic Pass is a waste of time Shin Lim is pretentious and boring Mentalism and magic are really just the same thing. And yes, with some thought than can be mixed. On a similar note, playing cards are more than acceptable for a straight mentalism show Rev
  5. Rev

    Help with the Hamman Count pls?

    How many cards do you have in total? Rev
  6. Rev

    Saturday Night Contest - Magician in Trouble

    Well this is a nice way to start off the week! Thanks guys for all you kind words, and glad you're all digging the routine. And thank you Franco for really understanding the logic behind the blindfold. It's what John Guastaferro would call a 'One Degree Change' in that it's only a small thing...
  7. Rev

    Saturday Night Contest - Magician in Trouble

    I don't normally enter these but as I have a routine that fits this theme perfectly, I figured why the heck not! I quickly filmed this this evening and it was starting to get dark outside so lighting is not great, but it'll do! Background: It's basically a combination of 'Magician vs Gambler'...
  8. Rev

    Hope you can check my new vid on youtube!

    Oh yeah, this reminded me of something else I meant to say: Lose the quotes and definition nonsense at the beginning. It's not mysterious and just comes across as pretentious. Rev
  9. Rev

    "X Marks The Spot" FREE DOWNLOAD in the MARKETPLACE!!!

    Michael, just saw this and wanted to say what a fantastic effect! So clean and fair, with a very clear effect. Genius application of existing principles! Well done sir, and very generous for you to offer this up for free! Rec
  10. Rev

    Hope you can check my new vid on youtube!

    Nice little routine! I could point out that the sleights need some work (the false shuffle and the DL's in particular), but that will come with time. None of us were born experts! However, what the right hand is doing it way too obvious. Firstly, the motion is much to big to not notice (the...
  11. Rev

    How to come up with card tricks

    If you're struggling to even think of an 'effect' you're going to really struggle! Meh, this is an ok suggestion, but the combo has to make sense. Very often this just results in a slightly confusing mess where the resulting combo lacks the clarity of the original two tricks. Clarity should...
  12. Rev

    Magician vs The Phantom

    Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it! Rev
  13. Rev

    Magician vs The Phantom

    Hey fellow magic people! Long time no post. Today I managed to finally get round to filming something I had the initial idea for quite a while ago. This is basically my take on the 'Magician vs Gambler' plot, but dressed up as a tribute to Walter Iriving Scott. I had the idea pretty much...
  14. Rev

    The Expert At the Card Table Help

    You're not at intermediate if you don't know what an Injog is. It's taught within the first 10 pages of Royal Road. Don't get ahead of yourself as you'll only get discouraged. I can only echo what everyone else has said and get a copy of Royal Road to Card Magic. You won't regret it. I'd say...
  15. Rev

    The "Detective Card" - Gone Wrong

    Not quite the same as what you asked, but you did remind me of this fun effect by John Gelasi, which is a twist on the old 'sandwich' trick. I know John has a bunch of ebooks available at, though I am not sure if this is in any of them, or indeed if it is even his routine to begin...
  16. Rev

    Sleight of Hand Vs Misdirection

    If you not relying on your presentation in anyway whatsoever, then you're just doing sleight of hand and there is no magic effect. Plus, I'm yet to see a sleight that us 100% invisible. There's always 'something' that needs to be covered. Rev
  17. Rev

    The Deal Change

    You keep saying you don't have the time, but what you're really saying is that you don't consider working on this move a worthwhile use of your time. So why should we? Isn't that us doing the work for you? You then also say that should anyone use it, they should give you credit. For what? An...
  18. Rev


    I saw Christian do the same thing at the International Magic Convention a few years back. At the same convention I saw Dani DaOrtiz do a classic force with an imaginary deck. Yes, it was as awesome as it sounds! Back on topic: I still like Sid Lorraine's Slop Shuffle Triumph (it's in Royal...
  19. Rev

    The Deal Change

    Says the man who posted a half-baked video of a half-baked idea on a public forum for all to see...:rolleyes: Seriously man, If you can't even be bothered to practice it yourself then what makes you think anyone else would care? For what it's worth though, you'd get the same 'effect' by doing...
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