Search results

  1. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Match That Deck!

    A is League, B is Bee 203, C is Bee 200, D is Pneumatic No. 1, E is Motor No.1, F is Cyclist and G is New Fan.
  2. P

    Having this problem with your Smokes and Mirrors?

    Smoke and Mirrors were made 3 years ago. So I can probably assume that you need to break them in first. Ok!
  3. P

    Beginner Card Flourishes

    Hi. I suggest learning either Dan and Dave's, The Werm, or Chris Kenner's, 5 Phases of Sybil.
  4. P

    Sooo... I found a deck of Jerry's

    Dude!!!!!!! Dude, there legit. Congrats on the find. Pat yourself on the back.
  5. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Playing Card Commercial

    Erdnase::Expert at the Card Table Hey guys! This is my entry. I hope you enjoy it, and good luck to all of the other people participating in this contest!
  6. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Playing Card Commercial

    Cool! Cool! Thanks Casey! When did you become a theory11 moderator?
  7. P

    Saturday Night Contest - The "Art" of Magic

    In honor of my cousin Syd Segal In honor of my cousin Syd Segal, I am here presenting you with a drawing of Syd Segal that I drew in about an hour. Enjoy!
  8. P

    t11.bulletin - theory11 has a MASSIVE secret

    Awesome! Awesome! I can't wait:)
  9. P

    Saturday Night Contest - A Simple Display of Skill

    Wow!!! Oh my gosh! I can't believe I won! Especially for my first entry ever! Thank you everybody for all of the support. I really appreciate it:) Best Regards PaulTheillusionist SNC Winner 7-17-10
  10. P

    Saturday Night Contest - A Simple Display of Skill

    A Simple Display of Skill-SNC Hey guys! This is my entry to tonight's Theory11 SNC Contest. Enjoy! Here is the link:
  11. P

    Saturday Night Contest - A Simple Display of Skill

    A Simple Display of Skill-SNC Hey guys! This is my entry for tonight's SNC Contest. Enjoy! Link to Video:
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    The ZLog - My Web Series

    Hey! I'll be sure to check it out and spread the word.
  13. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Raw and Uncut : Video Contest

    Hey what's up! I am Syd Segal's cousin! You are excellent in your craft:)
  14. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Roundtable Discussion with Jesse Feinberg

    PaulTheillusionist Questions for Jessie Feinberg How has magic changed your perception to those who influence you in your daily life? Do you deeply prefer to watch magic or perform magic? What are the major benefits towards magic that help you be a better person? -PaulTheillusionist
  15. P

    Saturday Night Contest - What Magic Means to You

    Congratulations! Phenonminal entry! Much enjoyed it!
  16. P

    Saturday Night Contest : Anything But a Castle

    Hey Blake! You have to scroll to the bottom and you can posting options such as pictures, files, etc.
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