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  1. jazzhands1

    PROPAGANDA: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

    Props aren't so good for long dribbles, though...
  2. jazzhands1

    Jerry's Nuggets - Giveaway

    Why do you want Jerry's?
  3. jazzhands1

    Lee Asher's Thunderbird

    no, why teach it in a vid when lee's already selling a great pdf...
  4. jazzhands1

    How do you answer...

    Or, I tell them that I learned them from a worldwide, massive file sharing site called..................................... EBAY.
  5. jazzhands1

    Card Sleights DVD

    Well yeah, I would recommend books instead, but he asked for a dvd that wasn't the Encyclopedia of Card sleights.
  6. jazzhands1

    How do you answer...

    yo momma jokes only work if you're black
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