I personally admit that my response was greedy and somewhat psychotic if you think about it. I was high on the illusion that I had substantial leverage over the situation. I suppose that I wasn't so much in control after all. I should have asked gently instead of bombastically threatening them in this matter.
HOWEVER. It is all the same that this bipolar response from the company was UNACCEPTABLE. Compare with this response previously taken:
If they had simply told me something along the lines of "uh... we can't do that... BUT we CAN refund the money if you want it" then I would have just walked away from this. The collective anger from the forums and disgrace at the situation got to my head, however, and resulted in what you see above. If he was nicer, I would let it go. However, by adding insult to injury by telling me "take your money... and don't you ever come back!" they have brought DESTRUCTIVE karma upon themselves. Remember I said that I could be vindictive, persistent and meticulous? Telling me to f uck off and don't return... well then, two can play at this game. I may have paid the price for my demeanor over the past few days, but if there's something they should be upset about, it is not about what I've done to them, it's about what I'm about to do.
But I need your help. Please PM me for the details.
You sir have a lot of what are often referred to as "warning signs" in your posts. The fact that you are mad because you couldn't get a customized hand picked BABOM is as funny as it is pathetic. Do tell us all sir what it is you are "about to do"
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