Dan Sperry - Card Manipulation 101 v1


First, I respectfully ask that you do not claim that I do not have a true, deep love for this art form, as you simply do not know me, my history, or my intentions.

Did I, in part, just want to know how some of the techniques were done? Yes, but that is a foundation for learning anything in art or life. I was interested in learning these techniques for my study of the art and out of a pure fascination of card manipulation. I was not completely ignorant to card manipulation by any means. I knew back palm techniques and other pieces that I had learned from study in various texts. These videos just provided information I was interested in and so I purchased them. Should I have gone and studied Routine Manipulation or some other older text instead? Perhaps. But the fact remains that these 1on1's teach these techniques, with crediting and references, in a well done manner, in my opinion. Are these videos, by any stretch, definitive? Not in the slightest. But, again, that was not the intention of the videos in the first place.

I believe that your true disdain that we are discussing comes not from these videos or from myself, though that is where it has been pointed. It seems you feel strongly against the style of product that is being put forth in these videos and many others, including all of Theory11's videos. And, to an extent, I agree. My home of study lies heavily in the classic texts of magic and that is an area I have a great affinity for. The repackaging of moves into new, slick videos can, in many cases, cheapen the study of magic and it's practice.

However, I do not feel that that is what Dan has done in these videos. He simply tried to bring stage techniques to a place that appeals mainly to young magicians that is wired into strictly close-up magic. In that context, these videos are a source to learn great techniques from and, again, includes MANY references to a further and deeper study of card manipulation and the aforementioned techniques. In that context, I believe that these 1on1's are a great source to get an introduction into card manipulation.

To further address your remarks towards myself, which I frankly do not understand why you deemed necessary when this discussion is on a product. I bought this product because the timing was right, the information interested me, and I wanted to purchase it. Did I get sucked in by the flashy presentation and low price point? Possibly, and I fully admit that that could have been a slight mistake on my part. However, I watched the videos and presented my opinion on them, which I still stand by.

In terms of purchasing these videos because they were inexpensive, let me explain that I am only 16 years old. I do not have a large amount of money to spend each month on magic when I must pay for gas and so forth. Was it perhaps ignorant to run towards these videos for a low price point? Yes, it very well may have been. But again, this is not reflective of my attitude for magic. To give you a piece of information, much in the same way you gave me, my most recent (and largest in recent memory) magic purchase was the complete works of Dai Vernon. A series of books I intend to study for a long period of time. So, again, your remarks towards my character and outlook on magic were unfounded.

I fully believe, as I have said and as is stated in these videos themselves, that these videos only offer an introduction, an appetizer, to the world of card manipulation. Though it is not an area I wish to fully explore, it may very well be for others, and this video could provide a starting point for those people.

Let it go

Guys let it go, what's been said has been said many many times before. The powers that be asked me to share some stage style magic insight to those who have a beginner level of interest in pursuing that genre. As per their suggestion basics of card manipulation was the topic we agreed upon based off of requests they had received from members to learn this kind of material. With my experience in study of card manipulation I told them my current level of involvement with this style of magic and my reasons why I only use only a very few number of these moves. I think I also explained why I only used these moves in the videos - we never said that these were going to be the end all be all of learning tutorials. And, the powers that be suggested they be broken into "volumes" in an attempt to make it very clear that a substantial amount of practice needs to be allowed to really perform even the most basic of moves. I completely agree and understand with your concern about the exposure of this material becoming too easily obtainable and slaughtered and we where trying to find a way to fight that which and this was what we felt would be the best way to try to emphasize the need to practice - by splitting up each volume. Our thought process was to break it up rather than try to give too much info in one volume and then let the kiddies run free with all this info and have too much overflow to where they wouldn't practice it enough - I hope that's making sense?

Could it have all been put onto one volume - yes it probably could have. But again we really had the best intentions with this by splitting it up and again keeping at the basics. We wouldn't want to expose more advanced moves at such a beginner level. This was to be an introductory not just for card manipulation but routining in general and to also stress theoritical thinking beyond the "wow that looks cool" stepford wives style robot performers who just buy things willy nilly. This also served as an attempt to advertise other great rescources including McBride's videos, other books, etc. Sorry that took so long to explain, I hope I made sense with all of it.

In regards to Cliff - I think he's being honest and he's just one person just like we're all just one person in a sea of magic goobs out there. Not everything is for everybody. He bought it for whatever reason it was and if he got something out of it and enjoyed it then that's all I can hope for. If he doens't perform anything from it but got a laugh out of it then that's fine with me. I don't think I'm a great teacher by any means. I'm a performer first and foremost. Anybody who knows me knows that I was just being me when shooting these videos jacked up on espresso and God knows what other caffeinated manna I sustain myself on, I was just being me and trying to make a subject I enjoy enjoyable for others. If it worked great and if you found me obnoxious no worries.

How about just agree to disagree and let it go, you guys will probably never meet each other in real life so what's the use of dragging it out on here anyway haha. I know my opinion wasn't asked but there's my two cents for what its worth, sorry if I butted in but really lets just let it go.

PS get your nephew the 5 points in magic - its a great book

Thanks very much for your input. I did get something out of the video, and though I may not use the information right now, it is knowledge that I will always have.

Yilliaster, my apologies for dragging this thing out. I jumped the gun and should not have tried to fight you're opinions, thats not my place. I hope no one thinks that that is who or how I am, I simply jumped to far due to the context of this discussion.

Thanks again, guys!

Sep 1, 2007
Perhaps some insight into my own experience would help you understand.

As a boy, I was fascinated with magic, particularly the classics, such as the cups and balls, Chinese linking rings and of course our topic effect. I grew up watching Doug Henning, Harry Blackstone Jr, Shimada and was even fortunate enough to see one of the last live performances of the late, great Dai Vernon.

I lived in a fairly backwater area of suburbia, and would happily spend my $2 pocket money to travel every Saturday into the city to spend time in the reference section of the municiple library. They had the usual gamut of children's magic books, but also a shiny new copy of Mark Wilsons Complete Course, Hugard and Brau, Bobo and a thumbed, dog eared copy of Ganson's "Inner Secrets of Card Magic" - everything a boy could dream of.

I spent 3 hours each saturday in a vinyl chair at the back, backpalming cards, dropping coins, and figuring ways how not to let my clinking mini-rings aggrivate the librarian.

Afterward, I would go to a thing called a "magic store" and spend two hours dusting the shelves, mopping the floor and rearranging the window and counter displays. My payment: a new deck of cards or a small bottle of fanning powder... or an hours personal tuition with the proprieter Mr Stanley and his son Jim.

Over the next 7 years, I learned... really learned the meaning of the "love of the art".




I don't care to get involved in the argument, but I just wanted to say this was a great read!
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