Help me !!!

Jan 10, 2009
University Park PA
Ok so back to the original topic of this thread:
Another question I have for you is if you want to get any more gigs in the future? You are talking about putting together a sub par show in about a month and a half, and aside from all the quality advice that the others have already given you, this is something else you should consider. If you go out and perform this show, and put on a poor performance, you will more than likely never be asked back to perform for them, or anyone they know. This is especially relevant given your age, if you cannot present yourself in a professional manner people will simply look at you as a kid who learned some magic tricks, and not as a magician they would recommend to others looking for entertainment in the future. It is far more professional to give good reasons why you can't do the show than it is to take the show and do a really bad job. For all your insisting you can learn things in 45 days, it's not as easy as it may seem right now.

I'll give you a personal example. Every year, my university magic club does a stage show, which is basically a talent show where every talent is magic, and everyone performs their stage routines. My friends have been trying to persuade me to do something for this stage show. (The show's in april, I have 2.5 months to prepare, and I would only need about 10 minutes of material) But I only do close up magic. And I recognize that since none of my material would translate to stage, I would need to come up with a routine in that time. Even though my friends spent 10 minutes this evening suggesting things I could do, I recognized that the trick alone does not make the act, and I turned it down because I knew that I would not be prepared in that time to do anything well.

My point is, even though we could suggest material for you, and in the time you have you MIGHT be able to throw together a sub par stage act with what you are given, it would ultimately hurt you in the long run. If you still can back out of the show I would highly suggest you do, as the others have said. Use one of the reasons given to you earlier in this thread.
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