How to create a stage name

Aug 16, 2011

Haha kidding... kind of. I wanted to change my last name into a cool stage name when I was younger, because "Anderson" is so common. I decided not to go with a stage name, because my on stage "character" is just an extension of who I am in real life. If I was playing the part of a long haired, jewelry-laden, bedazzled-jeaned, sunglass-wearing rockstar, I'd probably change my name to something edgy, like... Robb... Andersinn... HOLY ISH!! I JUST CAME UP WITH A STAGE NAME!

Well Rob, if I had an easy to pronounce last name like Anderson or Miller or Smith, then I wouldn't be coming up with a stage name. All I'm trying to come up with is a good last name that I can use. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. I'm just trying not to use another magicians last name if I can help it. I mean Nick Miller does have a nice ring to it, but it's been 'used' so to speak by Charlie Miller and Justin Miller. I'm going through a list of surnames now, so I'll post something up in this thread soon.
Well Rob, if I had an easy to pronounce last name like Anderson or Miller or Smith, then I wouldn't be coming up with a stage name. All I'm trying to come up with is a good last name that I can use. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. I'm just trying not to use another magicians last name if I can help it. I mean Nick Miller does have a nice ring to it, but it's been 'used' so to speak by Charlie Miller and Justin Miller. I'm going through a list of surnames now, so I'll post something up in this thread soon.

Hey man, that's cool. I was mostly kidding with what I said; if you really want a stage name, you should go for it!
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
I don't recall seeing your name (last name) anywhere in this thread, with a first name like Nicholas I'm assuming you have a Slavic legacy and as such it can be used as a wonderful template from which to grow a name and reputation; especially in the U.S. where we have major personalities with difficult names like Humperdink, Schwarzenegger, Shia Labeouf, Zach Galifianakis, etc. let alone the names of certain news anchors now days (Amanpour, Seigenthaler, Miklaszewski. . . )

People with unique last names frequently shorten them such as how Dean Martin and several of his generation were known to do. Then again you get those like Marion Morrison that just don't fit the image of your personal, then again Jackie Chan don't live up to the name Marion ended up with either -- JOHN WAYNE.

My point is, you need to stop for a minute and consider if or not your real name or a combination of using your names around even (such as I using my middle name as the primary) might not serve as an advantage. Trust me, if my suspicion of a Slavic ancestry is correct, you could reinvent yourself in an amazing and very commercial manner, especially if you have those strong Slavic features.

NOTE: I'm assuming Slavic because of how you spell the name, Nicholas has a few regional variants that tattle-tell family origins.
Aug 16, 2011
I don't recall seeing your name (last name) anywhere in this thread, with a first name like Nicholas I'm assuming you have a Slavic legacy and as such it can be used as a wonderful template from which to grow a name and reputation; especially in the U.S. where we have major personalities with difficult names like Humperdink, Schwarzenegger, Shia Labeouf, Zach Galifianakis, etc. let alone the names of certain news anchors now days (Amanpour, Seigenthaler, Miklaszewski. . . )

People with unique last names frequently shorten them such as how Dean Martin and several of his generation were known to do. Then again you get those like Marion Morrison that just don't fit the image of your personal, then again Jackie Chan don't live up to the name Marion ended up with either -- JOHN WAYNE.

My point is, you need to stop for a minute and consider if or not your real name or a combination of using your names around even (such as I using my middle name as the primary) might not serve as an advantage. Trust me, if my suspicion of a Slavic ancestry is correct, you could reinvent yourself in an amazing and very commercial manner, especially if you have those strong Slavic features.

NOTE: I'm assuming Slavic because of how you spell the name, Nicholas has a few regional variants that tattle-tell family origins.

I sent you a PM Craig, as I'd rather not post my full name in a public forum. Thanks

Bizzaro G.

Logged in with wrong name. See next post.
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Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
My name fits my unique take on what I do. I was 13 and had not totally found my style but I always was a bit odd. There are many performers, not just magician mind you, that have normal sounding names but it's not their rela names or parts of their real name. Some people combine names of performers they like (Robert-Houdin + Harry Keller = Harry Houdini). I had a friend change his stage name from Dino to Dyno just so folks would pronounce his name properly. One day it will hit you like Dirk Diggler.
Aug 16, 2011
My name fits my unique take on what I do. I was 13 and had not totally found my style but I always was a bit odd. There are many performers, not just magician mind you, that have normal sounding names but it's not their rela names or parts of their real name. Some people combine names of performers they like (Robert-Houdin + Harry Keller = Harry Houdini). I had a friend change his stage name from Dino to Dyno just so folks would pronounce his name properly. One day it will hit you like Dirk Diggler.

Thanks for the great info Bizzaro, I actually did not know that's how Houdini came up with his name. As a side note, you will be happy to read that I just picked up Color Drop last week. I think it's an awesome effect. Keep up the great work!
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
My name fits my unique take on what I do. I was 13 and had not totally found my style but I always was a bit odd. There are many performers, not just magician mind you, that have normal sounding names but it's not their rela names or parts of their real name. Some people combine names of performers they like (Robert-Houdin + Harry Keller = Harry Houdini). I had a friend change his stage name from Dino to Dyno just so folks would pronounce his name properly. One day it will hit you like Dirk Diggler.

Just a "bit odd"?

I have a small pile of memories of you on various forums old pal. . . you are seriously ODD!

I think the cultivation of a "Character" that you play is a fun move to take; for instance Ormond McGill use to call himself "The Great Ormondo" when he did magic tricks, kiddie shows, etc. which separated him from the Hypnosis & Mentalism stuff he did normally. Then again, we sometimes have a name thrust upon us; when working Ren Fair and Pagan Festivals I'm frequently known as "Darmoe" which, when translated from Japanese, I'm told means "No Name" in that "there is no name for what you do". . . but then I was of that first generation of bizarrests and cross over performers and their really wasn't a name by which the public identified us, other than strange, creepy, bizarre, etc.

As I've told you privately, you have a name combination that works, allowing your second/middle name to serve as your last name in much the same way Tv Psychic John Eward does. I believe this has a nice ring to it and is memorable.
My stage name is a shorter version of my original name. It was coined for me by my friend Chris Cross (again, not his real name) and he thought South sounded better than Southerin, which it does. However people are still having difficulty in hearing it properly over the phone which is annoying.

However! Be careful when picking a stage name that you do not become the stage character. It can become very hard I have noticed in my own life to separate the South from the Southerin. Simon South says and does things that Simon Southerin never would. It is how I ended up in a relationship I really didn't want to be in. I became my character. This is fine if you want to become the character, take Max Maven as an example here. However, if not do be careful to try and keep the two separate. Your character may be an extension of you, but it is not you.



Jul 15, 2013
Take the name of your first pet and then add it with the name of your address / street.

From now on you may call me 'Fish Chelkar' ;)
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