Is it possible to create a stage act in 4 months?

Jun 13, 2013
I have a question.
I have to wear a smoking so how would it be if I finish the show by changing my shirt&tie to a t-shirt and I say. Now the good life begins. I produce a bottle of beer and then I finish the show.
Jun 13, 2013
Okay, here we go. I wrote a script. Please consider that this is my first script for a stage so bother with me. I also decided to change out one trick. I want to do a multiplying bottle trick. I think it fits better in the context of leaving school, you will see it in the script. Do you have any recommendations for a bottle production? I remember Jon Allen's bottle production where he pops the balloon. Maybe I could use that but I didn't considered it in the script yet.

"Hey Guys. It?s amazing, isn?t? We finally finished school and we got our A-levels. It took us 12 years. (school in Germany usually takes 12 years) Well, some took it 13 years. After school the really important questions of life arise: Where do I get breakfast at 4pm? And do you know why you should get out of you bed at 7:30? Because the stores close at 8 o?clock! Oh wait, I am talking about the life after school and I am not dressed properly. (I wear a smoking.) Let me fix that. (I turn around and I change my shirt and tie to a t-shirt which says ?Party Hard?.) And what do you also need? Right, something to drink. (I produce a bottle of Martini. The bottle is part of this set: I wanna show you one of my favorite tricks with a bottle of martini. (Multiplying bottle routine. I don?t have the set yet and I don?t know how to perform it. I will make additions later. I will get the set in 2 weeks.) So now I need a volunteer to help me up on the stage. Who wants to help me? Ah great. Let?s give a big round of applause for X. Here, I have something for you. It?s an invisible deck. Have you ever seen one of those? Of course not, it?s invisible. Please shuffle the deck. Take it out of the box first. Oh wait, you dropped a card. Okay, now look through the cards and look at them. You like them? You can see that they are all different. So now pick a card that you like and show it to the audience but don?t let me see it. Now put it back into the deck but turn it the other way round and hand me the deck. Thank you. Before the show started I turned a card in this deck (JUMBO Invisible Deck). Wouldn?t it be amazing if you?re card was turned over? Let?s see. Yap, this is you?re card. (I don?t show the card yet). No, here. Take a look. It really is. Thank you for you?re help X and you get a big round of applause as you go back to your seat. (Gypsy Balloon) Now, everybody knows this. Life consists of many things. Of moments of pleasure and moments of pain (I rip the thread for every negative thing once). You got good grades and you got bad grades. You made new friends and you lost good ones. You had moments of joy and moments full of sorrow. But ultimately these things are the things that make your life. And every life is beautiful in its own way. So I hope that all these things that happened to you in your life so far will make a sense when you leave school. (I let the balloon float into the air.) Thank you."

My ID presentation takes me about 3-4 minutes because I interact with the spectator and he has to come to the stage and so on. The opener will take 2 minutes. And the gypsy balloon probably 1-2 minutes.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Honestly. I don't think your opening jokes are funny. Also, they dont set up Dresscode well at all.

Your invisible deck routine is simplistic say-do-see patter that will seem like a "trick". The way you present it, the audience will think you are using a stooge. Those that don't will search on their phones once you mention an invisible deck.

The multiplying bottles are a waste of money. There seems to be something that doesn't work because you are using what appear to be Vermouth bottles - does anyone your age know what you do with Vermouth? Also, your presentation seems to be say-do-wsee patter. The trick doesn't relate to anything that comes before it or after it.

The gypsy ballon has great potential but it seems trite the way you present it. Make the story about you and talk about things you can relate to. It's effect is lessened because you proceed it with look at me type tricks. The change in your character is too much.
Your presentation needs a consistent feel or tone. You can't go from unveiling a party hard shirt, to a multiplying bottle trick, to a card trick to something meaningful.
Jun 13, 2013
Okay,I see you're point that my act doesn't really have a consistent feel. That's the reason why I am posting the script so you can help me.
So I will leave the Multiplying Bottles out. That my jokes are lame is matter of taste but if you have any other suggestions for jokes I am open for it.
To the invisible Deck routine: I could select an audience member with a ball I throw but in some way that convinces the audience that the participant is selected at random. But the way I present the Invisible Deck hasn't harmed me at all. Actually in my restaurant work the results were pretty great and I looked at Wayne Dobson and he doesn't present the ID in another way (just my opinion) and on top of that Tom Ogden presents the ID in nearly the same pattern as I do and both of them are great stage magicians. So what is wrong with my ID presentation?
Could you explain to me you're ID presentation but with a funny touch?
If I start of with the ID how do you put this in a big context? I would like to have an act where I have a logical ending (e.g. in the restaurant in the beginning I hand the audience an ID and we come back to that in the end.) Imo ID and Spongeballs and a Balloon trick don't fit together. I will sleep over this whole thing a night and I will see what occurs to me in my dreams :)

Invisible Deck
Sponge Balls
Dress Code
Gypsy Baloon

"1. Gypsy Balloon is a closer. It is the most EMOTIONALLY powerful effect. Make it about friendships. "Sometimes the connections between friends are broken when we go to different colleges, or we move to different towns or we don't see each other as much as we used to. I think that he bonds of friendship are stronger than that. In life, good friends are there when you need them. My wish for you is that those bonds of friendship will be there as we go through life (restore string) and that those friendships will always be there to carry us through life (release balloon).

2. Invisible Deck is an opener. You start with a spectator and an empty bag, you have the audience pick the color, the suite, face card or number card and the value. You have the spectator find the card in an imaginary deck and turn it over and then drop the deck into the bag. You take the deck out and reveal the card. It builds suspense, it involves the audience, it gives you a chance to show your personality.

3. Sponge balls is the second effect. Did you watch the video? You have to get past the jokes and the 5 card repeat for the sponge routine. Wayne made a single vanish and reappearance of the sponge ball into a 5 minute effect. How? Through his personality. His personality and character and presentation was LARGE, so the props didn't need to be. The effect I'm recommending has a finale of 10 balls coming out of the spectator's hands and spilling on the floor. That will be able to be seen from anywhere in the auditorium. If you want the effect to play larger, don't use a video screen but use your personality to project what is happening. If you want to use the three inch balls, they will be more visible.

4. Dresscode should be the second to last effect. It is strong and visual. You're changing what you are wearing as you change roles. This sets up the last effect perfectly."

Do you think I should buy a smoke machine like this new one from t11? I could use this well in my close-up work.
Jun 13, 2013
Since when do germans have a bad sense of humor?

You know why French tanks have rearview mirrors?

So they can see the front^^

Yap, my humour :)

Is the Mark Wilson's Complete Course ressource enough for sponge balls?
Apr 17, 2013
Since when do germans have a bad sense of humor?

You know why French tanks have rearview mirrors?

So they can see the front^^

Yap, my humour :)

Is the Mark Wilson's Complete Course ressource enough for sponge balls?

It is but here is where being a German really pays off Garcia's Songe ball book is still in print in the german edition find it and buy it. I spent $300 US on my copy
Apr 17, 2013
Are you talking about Frank Garcia? And krab what is your opinion on my program?

Yes Frank's book. If you can find it get it. Get the Mark Wilson book as well because they are both killer books. I need to go back and read it. To be honest it is the first day of Season 15 in WoW PvP and i'm trying to unlock the weapons. So i'm just here in between ques.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
When I look back over the last 12 years, it seems like it took a long time to get here. But we all made it. Each of us made different choices along the way. We chose which classes to take (pull out a textbook), we decided how hard we were going to study or that we weren't really going to study (bring out a beach ball), we picked our friends and decided which people to date (pull out a small box of chocolates) what parties to go to (bring out a bunch of balloons) and most importantly we decided what to bring for lunch (put paper lunch bag on table). But somehow, despite all those different choices we all ended up at the same place.

Can someone in the front row help me make some choices? You there, come on up. Let's give her a round of applause. Have you ever played cards? What is your favorite card game? My favorite card game is one called imagination. Have you ever played that card game? I have a deck of cards in this bag. (open lunch bag and have her look inside). Can you see it? (her answer is no). Well, you have to use your imagination. Can you imagine there is a deck in the bag? OK, take the deck out and show the audience that it is a perfectly normal deck with 52 cards. (Gesture how she should can the imaginary deck). Now I want you to close your eyes, pick one card and without looking turn it upside down in the deck. Perfect. Put the deck back in the box and hold onto the deck, while the audience makes some choices. I'm going to turn on some music and then toss out this beach ball . If the ball comes to you, toss it again. When the music stops, if you are holding the beach ball, I will ask you to make a choice. (Have audience choose color [red or black], suite [hearts or diamonds / clubs or spades depending on color chosen], face card or number card and then value of card).

Now, wouldn't it be amazing if the choice you made (gesturing to the spectator) ended up with the same card that the audience selected based on their choices? (Turn to audience) I know what you are thinking... You are thinking that would be the most amazing magic trick you've ever imagined. But to show you that you imagined this no more than you imagined the last 12 year, let's make this real. Can you take your deck and put it back in the bag? As you do that, imagine that the deck will become real. (Spectator drops imaginary deck in bag and can hear sound of real deck dropping in bag). I think I worked. Can you hold the bag while I take the deck out? (show hands empty and take out deck). You will see that there is one card that is reversed in the deck. I think that all of our choices brought us to the same point. Can you take that card and look at it? As you turn the card around to show the audience, can you tell them what card it is? Lets give a big round of applause my lovely volunteer.
Jun 13, 2013
Wow, thanks for the script. I feel honored that you took the time to write that. I want to tie on your script with the Gypsy Balloon. So here is my script for the Gypsy Balloon.

" [Take one balloon from the beginning.] It all took us 12 years to get here. When we look back it seems to have taken forever. In the beginning we hoped that it all would make sense. That we finish school with a good grade although we often lacked the motivation. It wasn't always easy. We had hard times and we had bad times. We had times where we just wanted to give up. [Rip the thread.] When we had written a mark [Rip the thread]. Or when we had too many homeworks. [Rip the thread.] When we had private tragedies. [Rip the thread.] And when we had much stress. [Rip the thread.] But one thing, one thing, always helped us through all the bad times: our friends. They helped us to overcome all the bad times [Roll up the torn pieces.] and helped us to see the good things. And so, I hope for you that the friends you have and the friends you will make will help you to overcome bad times and may the bonds between you last forever [Let the balloon float.]

Here is an example how I imagine the presentation: [I hope this works.]
The music in the background is the kind of music I would use during my presentation. Of course I will use royal-free music.

How do you imagine a simple but astounding sponge ball routine? How many phases? What should happen? You proposed a 10-ball-load into the hands of the spectator.

What do you think about a quick change where I change my smoking in free time clothes? You think this is possible in 4 months and on a low budget?. Like Smoking to Jeans and t-shirt.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I think the script is good - I haven't had time to listen to the audio.

As for sponge balls, I had a couple of ideas. I was thinking that the sponge balls would be in the small candy box (as Forrest Gump says, life is like a box of chocolates) you put out at the beginning. You could do the routine about friendships and then end with the thought that some friendships change into something else and produce a large sponge heart. OK, maybe too sentimental.

Second idea is to make the routine about learning. Something about having to hold on what you learn in class (ball in hand). But for everything you learn in class there is something just as important you learn outside of class (two balls appear). Give examples of things you learned in school and make them funny (in science we learned that the mutual attraction of two celestial bodies is called gravity, when we went out on our first date we called the mutual attraction of two bodies something different). After a couple of phases, you say something (as if you've lost track of what you were goin to say and are just winging it) like, I'll be honest, I can't remember much else I learned in class, but out of class I learned (list around 10 things). Look at the spectator and then their hands, say something along the lines of "I didn't just do what I think I did." At that point, the audience will expect the finale.
Jun 13, 2013
And here is my short script for Dresscode which comes before Gypsy Balloon.

"After we've learned so many things in school we forget most of it as soo as we leave school. When we leave school we have to pay attention for our clothes. At the moment I am wearing a smoking. That will help me with my application conversations but after I leave school I think it's time for some free time. So let me fix this problem here real quick."

So far I have this script and the order of the tricks is as following:
Invisble Deck
Sponge Balls
Dress Code
Gypsy Balloon

And here is the script.
"When I look back over the last 12 years, it seems like it took a long time to get here. But we all made it. Each of us made different choices along the way. We chose which classes to take (pull out a textbook), we decided how hard we were going to study or that we weren't really going to study (bring out a beach ball), we picked our friends and decided which people to date (pull out a small box of chocolates) what parties to go to (bring out a bunch of balloons) and most importantly we decided what to bring for lunch (put paper lunch bag on table). But somehow, despite all those different choices we all ended up at the same place.

Can someone in the front row help me make some choices? You there, come on up. Let's give her a round of applause. Have you ever played cards? What is your favorite card game? My favorite card game is one called imagination. Have you ever played that card game? I have a deck of cards in this bag. (open lunch bag and have her look inside). Can you see it? (her answer is no). Well, you have to use your imagination. Can you imagine there is a deck in the bag? OK, take the deck out and show the audience that it is a perfectly normal deck with 52 cards. (Gesture how she should can the imaginary deck). Now I want you to close your eyes, pick one card and without looking turn it upside down in the deck. Perfect. Put the deck back in the box and hold onto the deck, while the audience makes some choices. I'm going to turn on some music and then toss out this beach ball . If the ball comes to you, toss it again. When the music stops, if you are holding the beach ball, I will ask you to make a choice. (Have audience choose color [red or black], suite [hearts or diamonds / clubs or spades depending on color chosen], face card or number card and then value of card).

Now, wouldn't it be amazing if the choice you made (gesturing to the spectator) ended up with the same card that the audience selected based on their choices? (Turn to audience) I know what you are thinking... You are thinking that would be the most amazing magic trick you've ever imagined. But to show you that you imagined this no more than you imagined the last 12 year, let's make this real. Can you take your deck and put it back in the bag? As you do that, imagine that the deck will become real. (Spectator drops imaginary deck in bag and can hear sound of real deck dropping in bag). I think I worked. Can you hold the bag while I take the deck out? (show hands empty and take out deck). You will see that there is one card that is reversed in the deck. I think that all of our choices brought us to the same point. Can you take that card and look at it? As you turn the card around to show the audience, can you tell them what card it is? Lets give a big round of applause my lovely volunteer.

After we've learned so many things in school we forget most of it as soo as we leave school. When we leave school we have to pay attention for our clothes. At the moment I am wearing a smoking. That will help me with my application conversations but after I leave school I think it's time for some free time. So let me fix this problem here real quick.

[Take one balloon from the beginning.] It all took us 12 years to get here. When we look back it seems to have taken forever. In the beginning we hoped that it all would make sense. That we finish school with a good grade although we often lacked the motivation. It wasn't always easy. We had hard times and we had bad times. We had times where we just wanted to give up. [Rip the thread.] When we had written a mark [Rip the thread]. Or when we had too many homeworks. [Rip the thread.] When we had private tragedies. [Rip the thread.] And when we had much stress. [Rip the thread.] But one thing, one thing, always helped us through all the bad times: our friends. They helped us to overcome all the bad times [Roll up the torn pieces.] and helped us to see the good things. And so, I hope for you that the friends you have and the friends you will make will help you to overcome bad times and may the bonds between you last forever [Let the balloon float.]"

Regarding the sponge ball routine:
Do you want to produce one ball for each thing I learned? And how do you want to finish with 10 balls in the hands of the spectator?


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Regarding the sponge ball routine:
Do you want to produce one ball for each thing I learned? And how do you want to finish with 10 balls in the hands of the spectator?

With the sponge ball routine, you put one ball mentioning something you learned in school in the spectator's hand, you then mention something you learned outside of school and when they open their hands they have two balls. You then put two balls into their hand mentioning two things you learned in school. You then mention something you learned outside of school and when they ope their hands they have three balls. You then put three balls in their hands, mention three things you learned in school and then mention a list of 10 things that you learned outside of school. They open their hands and there is 13 balls.

Another idea I had was to use the school book to do a book test using the text book you bring out in the beginning. They pick any page and any word and you guess it. The presentation would be about how school is about memorizing everything in the book. The presentation would be more developed and it wouldn't just be pick a word and guess it.

One other thought on the invisible deck routine... you could have the spectator use an actual deck and turn over a card and at the end the card they turned over matches the card picked by the audience. You could also have a third matching card inside the beach ball.

If you're interested, I can discuss methods with you in PMs.
Jun 13, 2013
That seems to be a great idea. Personally I would prefer a book test. Do you know any book test that is easy to do, uses only 1 book and where the spectator never hands me the book?
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