Saturday Night Contest - Resolutions for 2022!

Sep 1, 2021
Hey everyone,
First and foremost, hope everyone had a happy, safe New Year!
In 2021, I had a 4.0 GPA, while also regularly practicing magic/cardistry. I also came up with my own move to palm a card from the bottom of the deck, which I have also performed for my friends and parents. This was a hit! Other than that, I didn't really accomplish much, but that was big for me haha.
My resolution for 2022 is to first and foremost do well in school and stop procrastinating with magic/cardistry (lol, like that's gonna happen). And to also put some more time into magic/cardistry/card collecting. I am now realizing that my resolutions conflict with each other, but I think that they are both doable. I also want to maintain my 4.0 GPA while still continuing with my passions.

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
This year I feel I really honed my gimmick making skills. I starting making my own gimmicks rather than buying them from third parties. I'm not saying that one shouldn't support third party gimmick makers, but there is a greater sense of accomplishment when making something yourself. For 2022 I hope to perform a lot more. I like to say to myself that the pandemic hurt my chances of performing but I really didn't put myself out there enough as a performer anyway. This year, I'd like to get more paying gigs.
Sep 2, 2021
Happy New Year to everyone!
2021ay have not been great to everyone, but it was the year I decided to learn magic and cardistry. It was such a fantastic learning experience trough trial and error, but it was all worth it. I also had my first magic performance at my friend's birthday party, where I managed to inspire my other friend to join magic and cardistry. It was also the year where I won my first SNC, where I gave a deck to the same friend I inspired. For 2022, I would like to continue cardistry to match my magic level, as I'm neglecting it more because of school. Hopefully this year will be better for us all. Stay safe everyone and continue magish- in!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Happy 2022 to everyone 🙂!

This year I participated in a magic show for the first time. I still remember it, my performance was not the best, I personally was not happy with myself, but I continued to participate in shows and listen to the feedback that other experienced magicians gave me. I think that from my first participation in a show until now I have quite a big improvement in entertaining the audience and leaving them happy after the show (this is my top 1 goal). Also this year I got some very interesting decks and I am considering starting my own collection.

My goals for 2022 are to continue and develop my card collection and become better at entertaining people with this art and leaving them amazed.

I hope this year will be magical for all of you :)!
Congrats Georgi! Your response was randomly selected as the winner of this week's contest, the first prize winner of 2022! Please contact our support team with your details so you can claim your prize!

We hope everyone gets off to a great start this year with everything they have planned and you all continue to progress in the things you are focused on. Here's to a new year with the best community on the planet!
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