Should I get this Deck?

Nov 26, 2013
I am not going to tell you to not get or get this deck, but I will tell you the pros and the cons. It's a cool deck to add to your collection just because it's a green rider back. It fans really nice right out of the box. I don't know how it fans over time because I don't use mine much. The downside is, I don't like the font used for the pips, but you might like the font. I don't like how all the colors that are normally red, are green on this deck, but then again that's just my opinion. It fans, spreads, and looks really good though. In my opinion it is just a cool deck to add to your collection, but it's not the type of deck I would use for magic. Hope this helps.
Feb 23, 2014
I like these - they're not my favorite, I wish the pips were red instead of green, but it's worth having in your collection.
They are basically standard rider back playing cards with a green theme and the old faithful air cushion finish. Nothing amazing about them but nothing bad, if you like the look of them you wont be disappointed.Personality they are abit plain for me id only use them for practice or mucking around in public because if i drop them i wouldn't be too sad.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, unless spectators see a standard red or blue bicycle backed card, they immediately "think" in their minds that it could be a "magic" or "trick" deck. It is for this reason that I, along with many other working magicians stick to the standard bicycles or Tally Ho when doing paid gigs.

Now, there is nothing wrong about using custom decks. I love the look and feel of them, however I am not one to use them at paid shows, gigs, or walkaround events. Just my two cents. Nobody has to agree.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, unless spectators see a standard red or blue bicycle backed card, they immediately "think" in their minds that it could be a "magic" or "trick" deck.

I disagree. I use nothing but custom decks and have for years and have never had someone give any indication of suspicion of it being a trick deck. The only time, literally one time, I have ever had someone ask if I was using a trick deck was when I was using a deck of red backed bikes.

I personally believe that the folks who get questioned about custom cards are projecting the idea themselves that the cards are fishy. Either that, or performers are assuming people will think the cards are fishy when the spectators are thinking no such thing.

I have also noticed magicians tend to pre-emptively try to disprove that cards are gimmicked, thus putting the idea into the heads of the spectators who wouldn't have thought of it otherwise.

I also have a very easy argument to back this up: Go to Walgreens and look at their playing card section. Standard Bikes, these shell-back designs, black backed bikes, zombie cards, Duck Dynasty Cards, etc. Go to Target - Bicycle Custom series, different zombies, angry birds, star wars, etc. Go to WalMart - Bicycle Nautica, Leaf Back, Tattoo Club, Expert Back, etc. Go to the liquor store - Jack Daniels, bud light, etc.

Custom cards are everywhere. People are just as likely to have a deck of Coke cards as they are to have Standards. We're the ones that focus on this - not them.
Nov 9, 2010
I tend to agree with Christopher here. In my book, the only spectators that make the "trick deck" comment would make it no matter which deck is brought out. It's not about the design of the deck, it's about their mindset. And the Bicycle Rider backs may be the most common one in the US, but in most other countries they aren't, and on top of that most people have an old promotional deck lying around somewhere in their house so people have of course seen other designs than the rider backs.

Hell, I'd guesstimate more people here in Europe have not seen than seen a Bicycle deck.
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