Has anyone won prizes from the wheel? since it only has one "no reward" slot and that's what I've landed on every time, the thing has to be rigged. If there's an equal chance to land on each box, then receiving no reward three times in a row, if each slot is weighted equally is roughly 0.017% Assuming the low level rewards that aren't worth much are included, getting a low-level reward (anything less then a deck) three times in a row is about 4% (which is still ridiculously low.) Mathematically, it shouldn't happen, which leaves me to believe the wheel
must be rigged.
I'm not trying to be rude here, and I guess I appreciate the effort from theory 11? They have the greatest decks on planet earth, so that's kinda nice. Please look at the math and consider if you really want to spend money on more spins. If you are undecided if I did this math correctly, then use your free spin three days in a row, and see if you win anything. If not, then probability is the thing you're looking for (any reward you actually want) divided by the number of terms. (slots on the wheel.) Then you times each probability together. (if you want 17 of the 18 slots, then your probability of getting something you want is 17/18 * 17/18 * 17/18 if you spin three days in a row. If you
don't despite how high the probability is that you will, then consider that mathematically you should have gotten something.)
Anyway, I don't know if anyone will listen but I thought I'd do the math so you have it if you need it. Sorry if this sounded rude or anything.
Edit: There are seventeen slots on the wheel, not 18, so my math is probably a little off. Apologies.