Correct...10 decks = 10 11S...10 spins. The more you purchase the more chances at the Wheel. Remember to keep track of the time you get your free spin..then 24 hours later you can get another free in #48... Good luck everyone...from Oz Peter.
Quick question. I have an order that contains 15 decks that was shipped on the 14th. Will I be getting the 11 of spades cards with it, or did I miss it by one day? Thanks.
Question about the Wheel Prizes : I can assume the big prize the camera kit would just be one in quantity to giveaway. Can you guys tell if the other prizes are in multiple numbers? like the beetle box set or the $250 gift card are those too just one in quantity to giveaway or more than one?
I liked that functionality too! Unfortunately, due to time zone differences, it was very difficult to make that consistency accurate for every user (and every browser and operating system), as it would be different calculation for each person. To avoid that confusion (and any chance of error), we removed that for now, but maybe in the future we can make that happen!