Why do some spectators insist on messing with you?

Apr 26, 2016
So I was doing a show the other night, and I had a spectator blatantly lie to me in the act. I know this because she said I got her card wrong. Funny. I thought I was using a FORCE DECK. It was very embarrassing, and her boyfriend even supported her on it, but the rest of the crowd knew she was lying as well. I just conceded on it and moved on. Why do people feel the need to do that? Furthermore, how can you work to control that situation?
Dec 24, 2014
Hi man!
It's really frustrating at first when these situations happens, I think the most important thing is to ignore them and make some irony on it. I think that it is important to remember that magic and entertainment do not happen only with cards, but you can make the situation entertaining also outside the trick. The first times I found myself in these troubles I was worried to find a solution with a trick, to solve the situation using magic and concluding my performance as I had scripted; but I then understood that I could solve it "outside" magic, using irony and having people forget about the real trick. Do not stick with the trick you've planned to do: try to think out of the box and forget about magic: your careless attitude will make these bad spectators feel weaker than before.
Btw, here's a post on Jason Ladanye's blog that really inspired me to overcome these difficult situations when I first read it: http://www.cardmagicbyjason.com/dealing-with-hecklers/
Hope it helps!
Feb 18, 2015
A lot of people do this to me. If I am not using a force deck (just a regular one), then I ask,"What was your card?" They say, for instance, The Ace of Spades. I say,"Thats odd... I placed one card in my pocket before... then I cull the Ace of Spades to the top, and top palm it to my pocket. I pull it out, and it is amazing. Or I take the Real card, then change it into the Ace of Spades using a color change like the Erdnase or the Hurricane change.


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
If you aren't doing Kolossal Killer then it is your fault bad things happen. Thats how good it is. In all seriousness though, there are billions on this planet and many will mess with you. Go look at politics right now. No spectator is what you read in a book and anyone who believes in advice given to them about how to perform to people and how they will react has never really performed that much.
Jul 5, 2016
I don't have this problem too often. Usually people are too blown away to lie about it. Just ignoring them is one of the best approaches... unless you can somehow turn it around on them through another trick then that is also suggested.

Look at it this way, you put all this practice into doing these trick. You went out to perform the tricks for people. If somebody blatantly lies to your face then that is on them. If you were to start reacting then you are acting incorrectly. Just let it flow.
Also, if you insist that it was then they will know that you forced the card for sure. So it is better performance-wise. After something like that happens try something that seems even more impossible with another audience member. With one "failure" they will expect you to mess up.

Hope this helps.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
If your audience is trying to catch you out, then they have decided that's the point of the show. They are perceiving it as a challenge, or "I can do this and you can't catch me". Usually this is due to how the show is performed.

So change the way you're performing. Engage the audience. Don't do magic AT them, do magic WITH them.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Your character and presentation should be designed to have the audience want you to succeed. It is not a challenge between the magician and the spectator. Creating a challenge can be inadvertant and result from a say-do-see presentation or a "I'm going to trick you presentation."
Feb 18, 2015
I agree with RealityOne. Usually nobody will "false call" unless you are being a Slydini and challenging them. Read Strong Magic by Ortiz and you will see. Unless its a friend, or someone who has that personality, then you will probably not come across this unless you are challenging them.
But before you begin, show it to everyone, so the person cannot do this. Also, do not have a "Smart Aleck" Person pick the card.
Apr 26, 2016
I think you guys have the wrong idea of what happened. So, I don't ever challenge my spectators. My show is primarily comedy, and what happened was this girl and her boyfriend walked up to my table and asked if they could see some magic. I said certainly, and launched immediately into my red and blue routine for them, which is one of my better written routines. They immediately started trying to break me down, with the boyfriend calling me out, saying he saw the selected card, which he most definitely did not, and the girlfriend lying about the end result. At no point did I challenge them, or try to make them feel inferior. They just walked over and immediately started laying into me. They walked away laughing, and the rest of the crowd felt very awkward. How do you recognize these people quickly, because I had about a few seconds to see. Could I have done anything to prevent or alter that situation, or is it just something that I will have to deal with as a performer?
I think you guys have the wrong idea of what happened. So, I don't ever challenge my spectators. My show is primarily comedy, and what happened was this girl and her boyfriend walked up to my table and asked if they could see some magic. I said certainly, and launched immediately into my red and blue routine for them, which is one of my better written routines. They immediately started trying to break me down, with the boyfriend calling me out, saying he saw the selected card, which he most definitely did not, and the girlfriend lying about the end result. At no point did I challenge them, or try to make them feel inferior. They just walked over and immediately started laying into me. They walked away laughing, and the rest of the crowd felt very awkward. How do you recognize these people quickly, because I had about a few seconds to see. Could I have done anything to prevent or alter that situation, or is it just something that I will have to deal with as a performer?
Haha yeah this thread appears like they didn't even really read into what happened. You were using a force deck, they decided to troll you. I don't think there was anything you could have done if you did not have a challenging demeanor from the get go. We all run into those types of people who are just out to mess with us once in a while.
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Feb 18, 2015
I think you guys have the wrong idea of what happened. So, I don't ever challenge my spectators. My show is primarily comedy, and what happened was this girl and her boyfriend walked up to my table and asked if they could see some magic. I said certainly, and launched immediately into my red and blue routine for them, which is one of my better written routines. They immediately started trying to break me down, with the boyfriend calling me out, saying he saw the selected card, which he most definitely did not, and the girlfriend lying about the end result. At no point did I challenge them, or try to make them feel inferior. They just walked over and immediately started laying into me. They walked away laughing, and the rest of the crowd felt very awkward. How do you recognize these people quickly, because I had about a few seconds to see. Could I have done anything to prevent or alter that situation, or is it just something that I will have to deal with as a performer?
I hate those people. They are worse than hecklers.
Apr 26, 2016
Luckily I can say I haven't had that happen. That kind of person is not worthy of your energy. I would just finish the trick and let them leave.
That's what I tried to have happen. I asked if she was sure it wasn't her card, apologized, and moved on, but it made the whole set afterward with that crowd very awkward. It was very deliberate and cruel, so I'm interested if there is a way to get an all-rounder out other than just hiding 52 cards in various spots. Kolossal Killer looks good, however the reviews seem to say it isn't as great as it would seem.
That's what I tried to have happen. I asked if she was sure it wasn't her card, apologized, and moved on, but it made the whole set afterward with that crowd very awkward. It was very deliberate and cruel, so I'm interested if there is a way to get an all-rounder out other than just hiding 52 cards in various spots. Kolossal Killer looks good, however the reviews seem to say it isn't as great as it would seem.
Kolossal Killer is that good. You will just have to take my word on it. It's the trick that I always have on me and never fails to impress. A lot of those people that reviewed it probably have never actually went out and tested it.
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