Search results

  1. Lyle Borders

    007 store scam

    Hi Kevin, Absolutely no scam or fraud there, none whatsoever. is the official online store for all things 007. The company that owns 007 wanted a special edition version of the deck for sale in their stores, so they have an exclusive wrapped version of the normal 007 deck. You...
  2. Lyle Borders

    DISTANCIA by Les French Twins

    You need to be careful and mindful of the gimmick at all times. This is not something to casually throw in your pocket. Put it away in a safe place if you are not using it, and be aware of where it is at all times when you are not storing it. It does not come with a case that is going to make...
  3. Lyle Borders

    DISTANCIA by Les French Twins

    In case you think I was kidding... // L
  4. Lyle Borders

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    Thanks for the reminder! I haven't updated this in a while. Was also missing JAQK Rosé, Avengers x 2. Updated. // L
  5. Lyle Borders

    DISTANCIA by Les French Twins

    I yelled at my computer screen when I first saw the performance video the first time. It isn't fair how good some tricks can look. // L
  6. Lyle Borders

    No order updates?

    Hit up our customer support team at and they can take a look for you. Things definitely are taking longer than normal right now, but we have all hands on deck trying to get all orders out as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience! // L
  7. Lyle Borders

    No order updates?

    Thanks for reaching out! Shipping orders as fast as possible! It is taking a bit longer than normal to get them all out due to the crazy number of orders happening just before Christmas, but rest assured that our team is moving as quickly as possible. Contact our support team for more specifics...
  8. Lyle Borders

    Joe Porper Card Clips?

    Put it in a backpack, a box, a pocket that isn't tight up against your body (where moisture from your body can easily get into your deck), in your hand. Almost anywhere else. That might not be an option all the time. It isn't always an option for me, hence I use a Porper to try to extend the...
  9. Lyle Borders

    Joe Porper Card Clips?

    Prevention is going to be much, much better than trying to reverse warping. Once it is warped, it isn't ever going to go back to normal. You can clamp a deck between a couple hard, flat surfaces for a while and it may help, or put it between two hard, flat, heavy objects (like putting the deck...
  10. Lyle Borders

    Joe Porper Card Clips?

    Neither really "squeeze" your deck at all. They are in the shape they are in - they aren't actively trying to compress your deck. If you get any pressure, that pressure comes from your deck being thicker than the space between the metal sides. You can adjust this by adding or removing extra...
  11. Lyle Borders

    My appearance on Good Mythical Morning

    Nice! I saw that episode, and wondered if I knew who had been featured. Good work! // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    How do i find Tarantula 2.0 instructions?

    The Tarantula video is hosted on Yigal Mesika's website, not on There is a link for it in the box that you can use to view the video. // L
  13. Lyle Borders

    Yigal Mesika's site down?

    Just spoke to Yigal, since we sell some of his products and some of those products link to videos on his site. He is expecting his site to be back up in roughly 48 hours. Soon! // L
  14. Lyle Borders

    Contraband print not aligned??

    Hey KonGe, Thanks for reaching out! Sorry your deck of Contraband isn't up to expectations. We print our decks through the US Playing Card Company, and while they have a great quality control system in place, they still print THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of decks every hour! Sometimes decks with...
  15. Lyle Borders

    When the Magic Cafe Freezes over...

    This thread has been dormant for ten years. If you want to continue this topic, feel free to start a new thread. Thanks! // L
  16. Lyle Borders

    Box ONE by nph

    Designed for one person, but there is nothing stopping you from doing this with someone else. The more people you add, however, the quicker you will move through this and the experience won't be as good. Lots of people play with two. Replayability is low. Once you have played you know how to...
  17. Lyle Borders

    Box ONE by nph

    There are actually a bunch of different puzzles in this game. None are incredibly hard, but there are some things that require out of the box thinking! Box One is not new - it has been in Target stores in the USA since last fall, and has been sold quietly on our site for a little while now. The...
  18. Lyle Borders

    Nerdy girl love

    A chance? Of course! The sky is the limit. Star Trek too! We just can't talk about what actual plans we have in the works. That said... there are some REALLY cool things brewing... // L
  19. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    Most of our decks are like this and have been for a few years now, including most decks that used to have extra cards with the back design on them. We sell to many retailers that sell to mostly non-magicians, and extra cards that use the back design (like double-backers) are super confusing to...
  20. Lyle Borders

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    This deck is the Mystery Box deck, which came in two colors. // L
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