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  1. Jackabe_magic

    Which hand

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for references for the "which hand" mentalism effect (a spectator holds a small object in one of his hands and the performer know which is). I'm looking for methods that go beyond the body language reading and at the moment I can't find any. Thank you very much!
  2. Jackabe_magic

    Angles with many spectators and misdirection

    questions and eye contact are perfect, of course without forcing too much their reaction, like staring at them in he eyes in a weird way or start asking everything about their lives ("are you left handed or right handed?" is the best question ever even if we never care about the answer). One...
  3. Jackabe_magic

    Double Cross: how do you perform it?

    This is so good! One of the greatest issues in this trick is that there is such a big expectation and people understand where you are going, but with this pattern you create an unexpected ending. Thank you man! Now I want to try the combination with your pattern, that creates the proper...
  4. Jackabe_magic

    Double Cross: how do you perform it?

    Hi everyone! It's been some months since I've started performing Double Cross and I really love it, but I think that there may be some interesting differences between us regarding the way we do it and how we present it. So here's my question: how do you perform it?
  5. Jackabe_magic

    Sharpie Magic... Thoughts?

    really nice! you can create a really nice pattern with the "vanishing ink" equivoque. Nice editing too
  6. Jackabe_magic

    Three card poker trick

    You can find it in the 4th dvd of Utopia, great routine
  7. Jackabe_magic

    Move Monkeys Wanted

    me too love watching videos like these. One of my favourite move is this similar-cascade control tou see down here. Mechanic is different from Miller's
  8. Jackabe_magic

    When should I buy a new deck ?

    This thread makes me think about something that I've never asked. My tendons often hurt so much and I stopped using bikes because I feel them very uncomfortable, now I use phoenix cards and I'm pretty happy. Btw, is there anyone here who chooses the deck for the same reason I do (tendon pain)...
  9. Jackabe_magic

    Would a post on social media from a week earlier be a good way to reveal the cards that they picked?

    totally agree. Some time ago I thought about creating a reveal like this one but I've never found a good way to make the whole idea meaningful. The fact that you're revealing something with your fb/insta profile itself is not fair. I think it would be much more powerful on someone else's profile...
  10. Jackabe_magic

    GOALS: What's Yours in Magic?

    My goal is to keep enjoying what I do. Magic is the very first thing that I started as my personal hobby, nobody in the world told me to do it but I did :D apart from that, perform a loot and help this incredible art to grow, no matter how, I just feel like I want to contribute to it. Like...
  11. Jackabe_magic

    Question about publishing

    Thank you guys!
  12. Jackabe_magic

    Question about publishing

    Hi guys! This may sound like a stupid question, I'm sure you know much more than me: am I allowed to share elsewhere an effect I've published on the Marketplace? For example, let's say that I've published here on the Marketplace something (free or not), can I share it also through Penguin...
  13. Jackabe_magic

    Red Pill Chris Ramsay

    I purchased Red Pill last year and I've performed most of the times. What I can say is that you won't do it everytime you go out and perform, because the gimmick is not that easy to create and if you want to leave the the "impossibile object" you should consider giving away an entire deck. On...
  14. Jackabe_magic

    About odyssey and red pill.

    Well, red pill is all about performing it. There's for sure something you can learn in it that goes beyond the routine itself and that you can play with not being in a performance, but not that much, in my opinion. Most of what you learn in there revolves around the performance and the...
  15. Jackabe_magic

    About odyssey and red pill.

    I've performed red pill for a year and it's such a good trick. It hits hard and there's a lot of storytelling you can practice with that routine. Btw you have to create a new gimmick everytime if you want to leave them "a souvenir", which I always did. It requires audience management and it's...
  16. Jackabe_magic

    "Behind the back" card trick

    Thank you everyone for the great ideas! You made me think about so many new possibilities I haven't considered before. This is so true! The idea of this trick is to be engaging and envolving for the spectator, it must be avoided everything that makes it difficult for them to partecipate This...
  17. Jackabe_magic

    "Behind the back" card trick

    Hi everyone! I fell in love with this idea: spectator takes the deck behind his back (or under the table), he randomly cuts or shuffles the deck, reverses one random card in the center; then when that card is revealed it matches your prediction, or is the only blue card in a red deck, or it is...
  18. Jackabe_magic

    Presentation Help

    It's quite the same for me. I think that the connection you create with the audience makes the magic. You can do whatever trick you want, even the most visual thing possible, but if you want to make them feel "magic", not only surprise, you have to connect with people. In my short experience I...
  19. Jackabe_magic

    Why do some spectators insist on messing with you?

    Hi man! It's really frustrating at first when these situations happens, I think the most important thing is to ignore them and make some irony on it. I think that it is important to remember that magic and entertainment do not happen only with cards, but you can make the situation entertaining...
  20. Jackabe_magic

    Saturday Night Roundtable - Blake Vogt

    Hi everyone and hi Blake! Here there are my questions: 1. What do you think the future of magic will look like? Will it be dominated by visual tricks done for camera? 2. Do you agree that there's a larger market for selling and buying magic rather than for performing? What do you think about...
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