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  1. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Throwback

    Here is my submission... Prophet... along with proof of purchase...sorry for the handling, since I just rebuild the effect some days ago and I haven´t had a chance to practice it, the way I would like it to see...
  2. Luis Vega

    February: What are you working on?

    My new theater show...the biggest one this city has ever seen...
  3. Luis Vega

    Tricks that you REFUSE to use

    ALL AND I MEAN ALL ROPE TRICKS!!! they don´t make any sense to me... since the basic concept from where I base all my magic is that what I do is real (or at least looks real) I could never do rope magic for the simple reason that normal people don´t see rope in their lives to often..
  4. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - The Year Ahead

    Hello!! Being a little bit quick... as magic concerns my biggest acomplishments: 1.- create a new theater show and doubled the audience from last year show... I learned a lot more and I feel ready for a really really big theater show this year... 2.- Perform for the first time in my life...
  5. Luis Vega

    November!...Las Vegas

    Hello everyone!! I wanted to let you know that I am going to Las Vegas to perform on Wonderground!! So excited!!...Anyway I wanted to hear suggestions on what shows to see... I do want to go to see David Cooperfield and I hope I can met him, anyone here has met him before? I would love to!! but...
  6. Luis Vega

    Some Advice....About Bad Gigs

    Hello everyone!! I know I haven´t post anything in sometime...but I wanted to share a quick story of yeterday´s gig... We as magicians are supposed to give our best in all situations... be it a paid gig, when performing to our families and even when we are asked to perform a one quick trick...
  7. Luis Vega

    French kiss as stage trick?

    Interesting...I have a stage show tonight...I might try it...I´ll let you know how it went...
  8. Luis Vega

    Anyone familiar with An Ha Lim?

    Ok...I have seen this act before... while I think is a great example of tecnique and dedication... it gets boring by the minute 2... there is no suprises and everything is the same... just cards and cards and more cards... I thought he was going to produce something big at the end...but meh...
  9. Luis Vega

    Stage Magic is HARD!

    I think you are really brave.... these kind of events are very hard to manage where the audience are so spread out... many of us dream with a perfectly aligned audience, great sound system and big stage... unfortunately is rarely the case... I think you learned a lot from this, if possible...
  10. Luis Vega

    Stage Magic is HARD!

    It is indeed... the worst thing I encountered was my breakthrough in stage magic...since you don´t have the same freedom to practice the act as in close up, basically each performance that was practice for me...was supposed to be an actual stage act... tough days... but the good thing is that...
  11. Luis Vega

    Great news!!

    Hello Everyone!! As some of you know...I did a theater show a couple of months ago.. Between Worlds... and I sent the video to some people and I got invited to perform to Jeff Mcbride´s Wonderground on november!! Sweet!! I wanted to ask people here...if someone here has performed there, so...
  12. Luis Vega

    Trick Help!

    T Thanks man!! I´ll check it out!!
  13. Luis Vega

    Trick Help!

    Hello!! I wanted to know if anybody knows where I can buy the trick where you break a thread and the restore it... but using the thread of a ballon? Thanks in advance!!
  14. Luis Vega

    JULY Edition: What are you working on?

    My show for Jeff Mcbride´s Wonderground...
  15. Luis Vega

    Theater Show: Between Worlds...How it went

    @Redundat That is an excellent question!! The show was divided between 2 parts... by an you can see I am performing the magic square in a suit, but when the raven is on stage I have a different costume...more "darkish" The first part is the "Normal world" where magic can be...
  16. Luis Vega

    Theater Show: Between Worlds...How it went

    Hello!! So I posted a video in the media, but it has been sometime and it hasn´t been posted...So here I leave the short review of how my Theater show went!! I am really happy how things went!!... I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did!! Comments please!!
  17. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Sound Effects!

    Not gonna participate in this one...but I wanted to share this video from my last theatre show, is just a taste of what happened... I want to put it here, because my video guy did an AMAZING JOB matching the music with the performances... simply beautiful... I hope you guys like it as much as I...
  18. Luis Vega

    Theatre Show Trailer "Between Worlds"

    Hello everyone!! So...I am doing a new theater show and this is trailer... is short, sweet and nice!!...tell me what you guys think!! Have a nice week!!
  19. Luis Vega

    Sands of the Desert

    Hello everyone!! So...I am looking for people that has this trick... I bought one kit from a dealer here in mexico...but I have a huge problem... it was said that has the instructions inside..and there is none... while I know how to use them... there is a crucial part of the trick that is only...
  20. Luis Vega

    New Theater Show...

    Hello everyone!! I am happy to announce my new theater show... "Between Worlds" featuring Karn My pet raven... I am so excited because it´s a completely different show from the one I did last year "Mind Over Matter" It deals with matter like decisions, choices and how the answer is not...
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