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  1. Luis Vega

    Quick Question to all!!

    Thank you very much!!! I owe you one!!
  2. Luis Vega

    Quick Question to all!!

    Hello!! I was wondering if any of you knows where I can find the Kabukhi Streamers?...I am very interested in buying some!! Thanks and I hope you can help me!!
  3. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Fooling With Food

    Quick Submission!! No camera edition...just the raw video... Name of the trick: Fall...
  4. Luis Vega

    Elite Points Piggy Bank

    JUst saving...I bought a propaganda deck last year...let´s see what they have in the works...
  5. Luis Vega

    Hello Everyone. New blog in the mix.

    Can you please elaborate on this statement?...because there is plenty of advice here in the forums from lots of magicians and it "seems" to be free... where did you get charged for advice?... elaborate please...
  6. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Year in Review

    It started with an idea... we were 11 magicians on the city and we wanted to do a theater show all sounded like a great one... 11 magicians in an all-star show... and the first magic show in the city, made by local magicians... But as many ideas, it required a lot of work, and 10...
  7. Luis Vega

    The Best You Won On Contest Wheel

    I would never be dissapointed of getting free stuff... no matter how small it is... I am grateful for this!!
  8. Luis Vega

    Feeling Discouraged-Need Advice

    I don´t like it due to personal preference... and as said..Usually people that comments on youtube videos have little to no experience... the true critics of your work would always be your spectators... are you getting the reactions you want? are people hiring you for gigs and so? You must be...
  9. Luis Vega

    Feeling Discouraged-Need Advice

    Why do you want approval from people that you don´t even know?... I have seen you videos and to be honest I don´t like your style... but, I never comment because what´s the point? you should continue doing you stuff regardless I like it or don´t, and mostly because I don´t like it by personal...
  10. Luis Vega

    Mentalist Stage Show

    So I had a chance to read the answers to this post...and while I agree you need to read more... I think you should just do it... To be honest you will never be ready... you can only be ready enough. I did the first theatre magic and mentalism show in my city (a big one) and it was great, though...
  11. Luis Vega

    The Best You Won On Contest Wheel

    I just won a uncut monarchs sheet yesterday!!! Best Gift Ever!!
  12. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Holiday Magic 2014!

    Here is my entry!! hope you guys enjoy it!! sorry it´s so dark!! I had to do it very fast!
  13. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Art

    I am sorry the cuts are a little messed up... but I have a gig in an hour and I am not coming back until midnight!!! Looks like a simple the beggining...but you can only see the truth when you look closely and bend the card a little... Cerca Trova..
  14. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Something Rare Quick entry!! just to don´t miss this one...
  15. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Capturing Cardistry

    Just One submission...I wanted to take more..but my "assistant" wanted to play with the cards too... somebody tell me if you can see it!!
  16. Luis Vega

    Magicians in Mexico

    Having a hard time? eso sono a albur!! jajajaaj sorry man.. soy de Guanajuato, si vienes por aca al centro avisame!!... Pasala chido!!
  17. Luis Vega

    Some Opinions!!! Please!!

    Hello everyone! I am currently preparing my new show "The Pygmalion Effect" and it?s going good... I have a set of routines, the main theme of the show is about the pygmalion effect which is "the phenomenon whereby the greater the expectation placed upon people, the better they perform" So...
  18. Luis Vega

    New cardistry video!!!

    I have an advice to give you... and this is for all the guys that do cardistry... Step...Out...Of...Your... Couches, Rooms, Houses..etc.. Seeing a video in a boring location and specially the cardistry videos that are recorded in the room.. are boring... Use those lights and that great camera...
  19. Luis Vega

    How does one perform on the Magic Castle?

    I was looking at the schedule in the Magic Castle..and It looks great, and I was wondering... How can I perform there?...I have a great show and good experience in corporate work, family events, conventions and theater... So I think I can do it... I would love to perform my brand new show...The...
  20. Luis Vega

    Any ideas for this?...

    So..I just got one... totally legal here in Mexico... I am thinking in tons of things to do with him... you have any? I wanted to do a "Mask to raven" trick to open my next big theater show "Beyond this world"...But I would love to hear more ideas!!
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