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  1. Luis Vega

    Do you think this is original? Do you like it?

    jajajaja!! that was accurate and funny!!
  2. Luis Vega

    Kids Show Questions

    That?s the kind of advice that is different for kids and adults... is counterintuitive... I am surprised to hear this... since I thought you could manage a kid heckler by bringing him to the stage... I see lots of people saying that if an adult is heckling you should bring him to the stage...and...
  3. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 awards

    Arnel Renegado Daniel Madison Wayne Houchin
  4. Luis Vega

    How many people here trample their own effects?

    Ok...half an hour for Out of this World seems excesive to me... way to excesive... Though I agree extending time for most effects to maximize potential, to milk all the reactions, but if you are not careful, you can get your audience bored.... which is a very bad things.. I knew a magician...
  5. Luis Vega

    losander floating table was really difficult to build mine... and not cheap, Balsa wood is expensive and hard to find... I spent a month just to build mine Rick... hahha I agree, sometimes I am like "frick this s**t" and just buy the prop...but not in this case... man, be ready for the A Magician?s Journal...
  6. Luis Vega

    Spiderman Spring? haven?t heard of it, but you heard of it?...just kidding..neither do I
  7. Luis Vega

    losander floating table

    Almost all the gimmicks I have are custom made by myself (I am an architect so I know how to craft things) and the reason I didn?t buy the table, is because it didn?t have the look I wanted for my show, and I wanted to have some features the original one did not have... so it came to me...
  8. Luis Vega

    losander floating table

    I don?t quite agree with the building one is the same as stealing... I build one myself for my show, but because I wanted to do some things that you cannot do with the Losander Table, also I didnt like how it looked... I only use it myself and I dont sell it...
  9. Luis Vega

    Is it possible to create a stage act in 4 months?

    Yes it?s long as you have been performign for sometime on stage... since 4 months is enough time to put together a stage show... and by put together I mean you have some routines you have done before and have it down and you just need to put them all together for a stage show...
  10. Luis Vega

    Invisible vs. Tarantula

    I would suggest the Web Spinner by Steve Fearson... I have Tarantula and it broke really easy... to be honest I was not familiar with reels and so.. then I bought the Web Spinner and it?s great to start using IT since you can duplicate almost all effects of the tarantula and so... then you can...
  11. Luis Vega

    We've been dreaming. The Mystery Box.

    Man...the starbucks coffee example really puts things in perspective... personally I can take those 6.95 bucks (supposedly "overpriced" deck) ...walkaround... and transform it into 100 bucks in a couple of hours... so I think you receive a lot more than you pay for...
  12. Luis Vega

    Hey Guys

    Welcome!!! I hope you enjoy you stay here (in Hotel California!! jejje) There is a lot of helpful guys around so feel free to post all the questions you want! but also would be nice if you share your experiences too!!
  13. Luis Vega

    Help me !!!

    That?s actually a good point... To be honest I think I have a way better show than the average in my city and surroundings states... but It?s still far from the shows I have seen in the Distrito Federal (Mexico Capital city) Thankfully I have become extremely severe with me... I have scripted...
  14. Luis Vega

    Help me !!!

    I know..but it?s my corporate show which has great reviews...I am just adding some things to make it more theatre friendly
  15. Luis Vega

    Help me !!!

    The hell man? 1,000 bucks for a trick or 10,000? my theater show cost around 1,100 to produce... and its really good... I don?t think you have to spend that much for a great stage routine... let alone a show... there are ways to reduce costs, without being cheap... that why creativity is...
  16. Luis Vega

    Help me !!!

    Great advice buddy!! I was thinking into doing the same thing in my big show!!...but since the local magicians tried to boycot me... I won t share the glory...
  17. Luis Vega

    Help me !!! are pretty much friked... I have a theater show coming in february...and it took me around 4 months to prepare it...using stages routines I have been doing for years some of them!!.... I wish you all the luck... I could advice to use a camera and a projector... that would be the way...
  18. Luis Vega

    Need a set of ideas/tricks to ask a girl out?

    Can you please elaborate on this? caught my attention...jeje
  19. Luis Vega

    Need a set of ideas/tricks to ask a girl out?

    Is good to be her friend..DURING THE RELATIONSHIP!!!!...It?s not adviceable to be her best friend before, it?s not good that she feels way too comfortable with you before doing your move..there must be some tension (in the good way) when she is around you!... When I read that he said this girl...
  20. Luis Vega

    Need a set of ideas/tricks to ask a girl out?

    Then you are probably in the friendzone already...if you haven?t made a move in 2 years... then you are screwed anyway.. but that?s another story!!!
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