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  1. Luis Vega

    Need a set of ideas/tricks to ask a girl out?

    Oh man!! I would say a lot about this...but my friend Baller has already post a great response to your problem!! enjoy!!
  2. Luis Vega

    5 Ways You're Boring Your Audience to Tears

    Jajajajaaja!! Nice one!! Great read btw... I am happy to say that I don?t do any of those things anymore... I used to be a say-do-see...
  3. Luis Vega

    Close-up pad!

    Hey man!! I would buy one of those like...NOW!! maybe you should tell T11 to carry this ones out!!
  4. Luis Vega

    Close-up pad!

    I use a bamboo pad... those who can see in sushi places and so... it comes in differente colors and you can roll it with ease and it will sray the same forever... I use one black and one red...
  5. Luis Vega

    how magic simplified your life ?

    Aside from the points made before... I like to say I have take lots of interest in looking good... I do crossfit in order to look nice in my stage shows and I also I have invested in good clothing!! it actually improves all areas of your life...except cooking...jejeje
  6. Luis Vega

    She Was Like.. And Then I Was Like...

    Hello everyone!! here is something that happened last saturday...while not funny I didn´t know how to react in the moment...and it´s worth telling... I had a surprise gig at the last minute, it was a close up it was fairly easy... I went after work to pickup some stuff in my house...
  7. Luis Vega

    Magician's rings

    you could look in flea might find some cheap and cool rings..there is where I got mines!!...good luck!
  8. Luis Vega

    This is Dynamo

    Damn... he really sucked... hahaha, but he had charm and was kind of funny...also he had good sleight of hand... Anyway... when I first performed on stage I sucked big time!!! and I mean really... I agree that everyone goes through this and learns a lot... he is who he is thanks to all this...
  9. Luis Vega

    Anyone else get really slow shipping?

    Yeah I agree...they have cool watches!!
  10. Luis Vega

    Biggest Wallet= Best Magician?

    I hate box magicians... there are a lot here in mexico... talentless guys with shows that go like this "for my next trick...I´ll use box number 2"... But.. is not denying that buying a big prop can really boost your show.. and not because the magic the prop make, but because it looks you have...
  11. Luis Vega

    What did I do right and wrong?

    perhaps...jajaja, I guess I was caught in the bad
  12. Luis Vega

    I get a lovely female spectator to hug me!

    Thats was a great trick!! I also love the "Kill, Kill, Kill" ´s jjajaja nicely done!!
  13. Luis Vega

    What did I do right and wrong?

    No.I don´t dress in a tuxedo... I dress very modern and somehow fancy!!... I don´t know you style...but you should definitely throw away the sweaters.... I guess it looks like that since you are doing the video sitting in your computer... so it´s easy to asume you do things that way... I would...
  14. Luis Vega

    What did I do right and wrong?

    along with all steerpike said... 1.- Change the look like a "closet magician" doing magic on the safety of his room... Go outside or something... 2.- dress better... at least you should look good... honestly you look lazy and without the will to dress nice...drop those sweaters...
  15. Luis Vega

    White Magic: My Review

    Agree at some extent... About all the stooges talk and so...I agree that if you are on television, you are entertaining the people watching tv, not the people in the street with you... I would have used stooges if the effect required it.. but I feel he could have done a lot more... my...
  16. Luis Vega

    White Magic: My Review

    Btw... for a non-us resident like me... white magic sounds a little racist...just saying...
  17. Luis Vega

    White Magic: My Review

    I was very dissapointed as well...I expected something more...well more... He has lots of talent...I was hoping to see magic and good presentations... it looked like "another" magician doing magic in tv....
  18. Luis Vega

    Bet you Never Had this Happen

    jajaja very nice story... I think what would I have done if that ever happened to me.. maybe I´ll take it back (take it back!!! not take it myself) and said something like "´s still warm!!"
  19. Luis Vega

    Holiday Contest many people complaining of free stuff... crazy isn´t it?...I don´t feel nothing but gratitude!! even if I just win elite points, I am still getting something out of the blue!!...Thanks T11!!!
  20. Luis Vega

    A Magician's Journal - "4 Gigs...One Day...100 Pe

    How are you my friend!! Oh man...I really hate that!! also because they think we can swithc between close-up and stage without thinking... gladly I was prepared to do some stage manipulation... Oh yes I was exhausted like never before...also it includes a lot of mental stress, but in the end...
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