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  1. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Something Spooky

    I wanted to record this one...but I couldn´t find any volunters!!...oh well... next time maybe!!
  2. Luis Vega

    Screwing Up on Stage

    You had a good audience... people that appreciates the magic and the effort applause anyway, because they enjoy the show, and love what you are doing... Also...I am not sure it was bad that the ACAAN failed... when doing mentalism, is advisable that you have some screw up, in order to not look...
  3. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Demonstration of the Mind

    Frick yeah!!! I am so happy!! I would have love to take home the 1st prize..but I was aware it was a difficult task for the language, however while I had some others routines on mentalism in the show...this one in particular was "visual" enough to be understood by non-spanish talking people...
  4. Luis Vega

    Question about Saturday Night Contest

    I had the same problem before...however this time I got lucky!! I was about to do the show, when I saw the SNC in my cellphone and then I got really happy!!... Also I have another barrier...language... but that´s another story!!
  5. Luis Vega

    Performing problem

    Of course that wouldn´t work..that the stup*dest line I ever heard to stop perfoming..what would have done if they actually gave you a banana? You need to grow some guts and say NO..and that´s it... you are to worried that they won´t like you if you stop performing... it happened to a lot of...
  6. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Demonstration of the Mind

    Hello!! Casually...I had a Mentalism show some hours ago (usually I can never participate in SNC because I have gigs...but this time I think it was great luck!!) and I recorded the video accordingly...unfortunately for almost all... the video is in spanish, but it was recorded in a small...
  7. Luis Vega

    impromptu torn and restored card

    simple... you can even do it with a borrowed deck... have a spectator select a card, make a DL with another card and then use the indiferent card to tear it...then produce the original one as you like... not a good as other prepared T&R but you can work around this premise... good luck!!
  8. Luis Vega

    On the street

    Also... try to spot people that are relaxing and apparently without a hurry... sometimes we approach people in the street that are in a rush, or just want to be alone and they do not want to be disturbed, this is a great way to learn to introduce yourself, to be appropiate and becoming more...
  9. Luis Vega

    The Success Story Of The Mengel Brothers

    Classy be honest the products you announce are creating some hype...I hope you deliver!!... also...most magicians don´t have a sense of design...that why there´s lot of magicians with their crappy bussiness card shaped as cards, horrible sites and crappy photos of them holding a fan...
  10. Luis Vega

    The Success Story Of The Mengel Brothers

    I actually like this logo a lot... looks pretty classy!!
  11. Luis Vega

    Ditching the TT

    there is a moment to do it...of course if you don´t have a reason to go to your pocket, then is going to be noticed... the motion of you going to your pocket is fueled by your fear of they finding out you have a fake finger... let it go.. act normal, they don´t know where to look... so don´t...
  12. Luis Vega

    Favorite Magician?

    I have some influences... Jeff Mcbride... he inspired me to get into stage magic without reliyng to much in props...but in your skills.. Lance Burton... He inspired me on a good character... charismatic, relaxed, funny...but very magical.. Derren Brown... He inspired me to do...
  13. Luis Vega

    Draven Review's Lightning

    this sounds like something I could actually use... usually my concept of magic is that "everything I do is real..." so it fits!! thanks for this review!!
  14. Luis Vega

    Messado Rings by Ellusionist

    sounds interesting...I was wondering when this will came out...I´ll take a look at it!!
  15. Luis Vega

    What About Big Stage?

    I have recently get into stage magic... and It has been great!!...I support this!!
  16. Luis Vega

    Before You Think You Suck...(Stage Magic Thread)

    Hello!! First of all..Thanks for the advice Bizarro!!...actually last weekend I decided to go that way (geek magic) and it played huge!!... as Craig said "what matters is how well you make yourself fit the environment and vibes of the house, not the other way around. . . " I couldn´t agree...
  17. Luis Vega

    Back To The Roots

    Thanks for sharing!! I´ll check it out as soon as I have some time!! but it sounds like an amazing find!!
  18. Luis Vega

    ...And This Is Why You Should Never...

    Claim you have powers or do real magic...You might get caught... big time!!! Enjoy!!! and have a good laugh!!!
  19. Luis Vega

    Magician fooler

    I really don´t care to fool magicians...they won´t admit they are a waste of time, unless you get a living by selling magic to magicians in that case it´s ok...
  20. Luis Vega

    Before You Think You Suck...(Stage Magic Thread)

    Check if you are performing for the right audience... Hello Everyone... So I´ve doing the transition from close up /stand up stage magic from some months now.. and it has been really difficult...and for sometimes I thought is was going nowhere...until some days ago.. As a...
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