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  1. Luis Vega

    Does Math Magic Ever Really Entertain?

    I HATE those "tricks"...I have never seen anyone present that as math magic and get a good reaction.... mostly because it possible that some people on the audience knows this trick, also it kind of obvious that what you do is not magic...but math...
  2. Luis Vega

    Theatre Show, Advice and Insight (J. Bayme read!)

    Hello Everyone!! it´s been a while since I posted something... but I hope this one gets your attention... So...I´ve been a magician and recently mentalist from around 7 years now...and I´ve had lots of gigs, events, mistakes, good stories to tell...But I am also an architect, and currently I...
  3. Luis Vega

    Adding Music to my Stage Shows

    well...also remember that the music has to fit your style... it´s so easy to forget that little detail....
  4. Luis Vega

    Question about teaching magic...

    Question about teaching magic... Hi everyone!! It´s been some time since I came to this forums... today I have a question... and I want your opinion!! as a preface, I am part of a magic club I created along some magicians here in my city...and it has been good... but something happened...
  5. Luis Vega

    How to create a stage name

    My stage name is Luis Vega..short...sweet and it has proven that people actually remembers it... btw... my name is Luis Fabian Vega Mendoza... so it´s basically my name just a little bit shorter as an advice I wouldn´t use things like -the amazing ... -the magical... - the...
  6. Luis Vega

    A Little Curiosity....

    Let me refresh your memory my friend...
  7. Luis Vega

    A Little Curiosity....

    Nothing..I just read cracked very often and came across this...
  8. Luis Vega

    A Little Curiosity....

    Something that is quite interesting... I have never notice it myself... but I think is worth to know it... enjoy!!!
  9. Luis Vega

    What do you always carry with you?

    A loop, my custom made ring to wallet, some billets in my wallet too...
  10. Luis Vega

    Opinions on Gimmicks

    GREAT QUOTE!!! and absolutely true!!!
  11. Luis Vega

    Opinions on Gimmicks

    That´s not the point... The point was, that there are certain things you WILL NEVER do without a gimmick... as my example says, a levitating ring... of course you can do a set of 30 minutes with borrowed stuff... but for example when I am about to finish my show in my restaurant... I do a...
  12. Luis Vega

    Opinions on Gimmicks

    Unless you can levitate a ring with only sleight of hand... there will be always gimmicks that accomplish things that are imposible to do with sleight of hand... Maybe you are doing too much card magic... take a look around...
  13. Luis Vega

    Guy does crazy levitation on X factor

    I´ll admit it... I got excited too!!....
  14. Luis Vega

    What could you do with this magically?

    I could get detected in all the airports... and try to explain to them why I have a magnet in the body...
  15. Luis Vega

    Woody Harrelson and Presentation

    I am not offended... but I would kick his ass if I see him... because he is promoting a movie where he is a magician... he could at least learned one good trick... and he acted all weird and stupid... About the masked magician?... I am not mad about that... since I learn a lot of new tricks...
  16. Luis Vega

    Woody Harrelson and Presentation

    Wow...Jesse Eisenberg performance was quite bad... he speaks like "ok, ok, ok, ok"...he stutters a lot!! and that´s desperating... I perform in television regularly... and to be honest it seems like he has never been on tv before... which is not true... also the trick is totally exposed!!... he...
  17. Luis Vega

    I am back!!

    Hello Everyone!! So basically the theme of the thread... I was out of the forums because I became busier than usual... in magic and life in general... also I had a little bit of trouble when I tried to sign in!!... but it was solved by my super hero Lyle!! so a big thank you to you my...
  18. Luis Vega

    Creative Magic Inventors

    Tommy Wonder...
  19. Luis Vega

    Awkward situation..

    Are you joking? how would you feel if you are crying a love one and then suddenly some dude just comes at you to show you a card trick?... This is not even funny for a sick joke.. I hope you are not a troll...
  20. Luis Vega

    Helping Our Magician Friends

    Hello Ashley... It could help a lot... if you could provide a link to his twitter account.... or something...
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