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  1. P

    Magic Castle Audition Routine... ?

    Hey! I am a junior member at the Magic-Castle. Those effects sound all good. Just make sure your routine does not exceed 5 minutes because if it does, you will automatically be disqualified. However, I do not recommend a routine that is only 2-3 minutes long. Try to aim in the 4-4:30 minute...
  2. P

    Saturday Night Contest - The Magic Olympics

    Hey! Thank you Rick! I appreciate that!
  3. P

    Saturday Night Contest - The Magic Olympics
  4. P

    Saturday Night Contest - The Magic Olympics

    Hey One quick question though. By routine, do you mean one effect? Or, do you mean an ensemble of different effects?
  5. P

    Saturday Night Contest - The Magic Olympics

    I have to say, this is probably my favorite contest Theory11 has ever put out. I'm in love with this contest!!! Thank you:)
  6. P

    Saturday Night Contest - The Cardistry Olympics

    Nice job everyone so far! Here is my entry: Sorry for the poor quality filmed on a Webcam, so please watch it in HD for a little better quality. Here's a little bit better quality one:
  7. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Deck Trailer

    Please watch in 480 p! Hopefully, this is a little better quality. I mean I filmed it on a Canon, not a webcam. It was just due to that it would take a long time for a high quality version of this video to render and then upload. However, I think the moves and the message of the video are far...
  8. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Red, White, and Blue!

    Red: King of spades White: 2 of Hearts Blue: 3 of spades Red: 4 of diamonds White: 5 of Hearts Blue: 8 of hearts
  9. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Not Magic, But Magical

    Hey From one of the most famous (and rightfully so) musicals to ever hit the face of the earth, the song Empty Chairs at Empty Tables expresses Marius's sadness, for he just lost his beloved friends during the final battle. One month ago, I was...
  10. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Not Magic, But Magical

    One of the best SNC's ever!
  11. P

    I don't have text, but I can call you later. I'm interested in trading for both your v3's (if...

    I don't have text, but I can call you later. I'm interested in trading for both your v3's (if you are interested) and a v4 too. I have quite a bit of decks so list some that you like, and I will tell you if I have them. Thanks.
  12. P

    Maybe Zach. Thank you for your consideration. I first wanted to buy another deck of absoluts and...

    Maybe Zach. Thank you for your consideration. I first wanted to buy another deck of absoluts and then do a trade. Do you have and mirror decks (v1, v2, or v3)? I really want some of those. If you do, could I trade you or buy them from you.
  13. P

    Silhouette Series

    Hey Hey I really like the designs. How much are the t-shirts each? Also, could one buy this to represent a logo for themselves?
  14. P

    Saturday Night Contest - 30 Seconds of Change

    Exactly, that was my question as well.
  15. P

    Saturday Night Contest - 30 Seconds of Change

    Hey That's awesome. yeah.
  16. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Patrick's Pushup Battle

    Andrei with 47 push ups // Patrick Kun with 42 push ups
  17. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Patrick's Pushup Battle

    Andrei with 47 push ups // Patrick Kun with 42 push ups
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