Search results

  1. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Packet Cuts

    Thank you Casey, the rest of the judges, and the other people who submitted something to the contest.
  2. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Packet Cuts

    Good luck guys. I haven't entered a SNC in 2 years. Here is my entry:
  3. P

    Saturday Night Contest - MC2 x 2014

    Thank you Casey and Theory11.
  4. P

    Saturday Night Contest - MC2 x 2014

    SNC entry Here is my entry: I hope you enjoy it, and good luck to everybody who is entering the contest.
  5. P

    Saturday Night Contest - MC2 x 2014

    Length of video Hey guys. I am excited to participate in this contest, but I wish the video could be a little longer than a minute. Is there any way we could go over a minute in order to fully capture the meaning of our video?
  6. P

    Putting More Meaning in Cardistry

    I wholeheartedly agree with you Casey. I appreciate your honesty and ability to question our art form. Your post can help regenerate the art by inspiring others to put more thought into the collective whole of their Cardistry video.
  7. P

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11's Got Talent!

    The Power to Alter Ones' Observation I hope you enjoy this Bill Goodwin classic trick.
  8. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Cardist Combat!
  9. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Something Special

    The Rubik's Cube A Rubik's Cube is an allegory for life. Life is composed of many different stages, representative of the sides of the cube. One cannot simply move on to the next stage without finishing the current stage. Like life, the cube can be viewed from many different angles and...
  10. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Putting It All Together

    Thank you guys! DLeerium certainly deserved to win!
  11. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Putting It All Together

    Hey There is my entry. Good luck to all, and I hope you enjoy mine. Happy holidays! In the beginning is the false cut and false up the ladder cut.
  12. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Putting It All Together

    Question How original does the trick have to be, can it be like a collection of published moves to create a flowing routine, and how many entries can we submit?
  13. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Inside the Box

    Hey could there be 9?
  14. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Defying Gravity

    Geeze Pete is on a role! Congrats to both the winners!
  15. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Pasteboard Mentalism

    Wow thank you guys! I haven't won a SNC in 3 years and 3 months.
  16. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Pasteboard Mentalism
  17. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Pasteboard Mentalism

    This is a unique contest! Thank you. Finally.
  18. P

    Saturday Night Contest - Guess The Artisans!

    Hey 2 of diamonds Queen of spades
0 Results