Saturday Night Contest - theory11 turns 14!


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
I came to the party late but one night about 4 years ago I was just searching the internet and I came across T11...that simple and have been a customer ever since. Thanks all and good luck to everyone on the thread...Peter in Oz


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
For me it was also at the launching; I was already into magic and slowly getting into cardistry, getting interested by the Bucks material, then I purchased D. Madison first two digital dvds in here, and that was how it all started 🙂


Elite Member
Jul 7, 2020
I got into magic more than two years ago, and I was somewhat tired of the basic, self-working tricks I knew, so I wanted something a little more advanced. I saw a deck review for the Monarchs, so I dug around a bit, and found here. I remember buying the Star Wars Light Side Blue, and the Purple Monarchs to kick off my sort of fancy shows I was performing. But, I needed something to wow the audience, so I bought my first trick; Double Agent. I loved learning this, and I was immediately hooked into magic.

🎂Happy Birthday!🎂
Aug 29, 2021
I have seen a lot of TXI cards in Tiktok, in movies and from my friends, and I really wanted to buy these gorgeous cards for myself
That's how my love for your company appeared
Hello from Russia:)


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2009
I've only found out about magic in late 2007/2008. I've only admired your site for a long time as I can't afford to order from you. My first ever purchase was a Steampunk deck and Smoke by Alan Rorrison.
Jun 14, 2021
I found out after I saw that the James Bond pack of cards was released (big Bond fan 😁). After I watched ‘Now you see me’, I was really interested in the company, so I looked up more information. One of the best decisions of my life 🙃 that was about 6 months ago. Really digged into the company (and the cards(tricks)). Love the brand and what there doing 🔥
Apr 3, 2021
I was walking down the street of atlanta and i saw an old man doing cardistry, i hadnt known about it at all and he had beautiful red monarchs . And i asked him what kind of cards they were and he said theory 11, and from that moment forward i fell in love with all things cardistry and theory11


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2011
I found out about the T-11 when I saw a video on YouTube of some guy showing tricks with cards, it seems they were monarchs, I really liked them, since then I started looking for these cards and found them)


Elite Member
Dec 4, 2020
I found out about Theory 11 while searching the internet for powerful magic, and elegant playing cards. After Covid hit, I became obsessed with close-up card magic. Theory 11 was exactly what I was looking for to up my magical level. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work that has been put into making Theory 11 such a special, and unique haven for magicians alike.
I grew up during the boom of card flourishing, so Dan and Dave was one of my biggest inspirations at the time. I first saw that they were going to be one of the first 11 members of theory11 so obviously, I was intrigued. Through watching the introductory videos of all of the original "founders" (if you will), I learned about new magicians and it went from there.

My time on the forums during my teen years were a daily highlight. After doing all of my homework, I would watch videos on the media section and seek knowledge in the forums while fiddling around with a deck in hand.

Happy 14th, theory11!
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Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
Waaaaaaay back in 2016, I saw David Blaine perform a TnR effect. I had to learn it, come to find it on this very site by David Williamson. After buying the effect, there was a giveaway for Blake Vogt Invisible Card. After winning that I was hooked and never looked back!!
Happy Birthday.

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
It was 2013 when a friend told me that there is a whole different community of magicians who are selling original magic, at that point all I knew was from YouTube tutorials and some Facebook friends, I remember specifically watching the trailer of Raptured, I was so amazed by it, I went to the website to learn more and the rest is history.

Happy birthday Theory11 and thank you for being one the pioneers in modern magic.
Aug 29, 2021
Introduced to theory 11 by watching some magician youtube channel.. i think Chris Ramsay got me here 👍🏻 Started to get obsessed with playing cards ever since especially with theory 11 cards ❤️
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