Search results

  1. Davis West

    Where to Buy Newspaper?

    I have a current obsession with the torn and restored newspaper. My only issue is finding lots of duplicate newspapers. To all those magicians who perform this trick on a regular basis, where do you find so many duplicate papers to perform?
  2. Davis West

    Best iPhone Apps for Magic Tricks

    WikiTest City Predicition Charge Me Zeno Photo Prediction Card Now
  3. Davis West

    What are some good ways to UNbend silverware?

    A good way to bend the fork/spoon back for me is to bend it back with two hands under the misdirection of applause. It's difficult to bend back silverware perfectly with one hand, although it is possible. It also does depend on the type of bend you put in the silverware. Some bends just can't be...
  4. Davis West

    LIT Matchbooks

    i just revived my copy of LIT and the quality is amazing. I can’t wait to start performing this! Before I do I need the right matchbooks. Could anyone provide a link or a new for the best matchbooks for this trick! Thanks
  5. Davis West

    GiG questions

    I haven't had an incredible amount of experience gigging yet, but I wouldn't pass around a hat if I were you. It does depend on where you're performing. I think it would be better at a busking situation to leave a hat out, but if you leave a hat out on a table it puts too much pressure on them...
  6. Davis West

    How to get started on ITRs?

    I feel once you pick up an ITR and play with it for hours you'll begin to see the many different applications for it. Tom Wright's "At the Table Lecture" contains a great trick with an ITR and some IT tips.
  7. Davis West

    Best magicians wallet so far?

    I use the "Real Man's Wallet" as my day to day carry wallet. ( It's only magic function is a card to wallet system. I use it for card magic and some pseudo-pickpocketing routines. I picked it up because of its extremely reasonable price and so I always have a...
  8. Davis West

    Magic for Keys

    I got my license recently and now I'm carrying my car keys everywhere I go. I've realized that adding magic to my keys can make it so I'm never caught in a situation without magic. I'm already thinking of getting "Departure" so my question is... What are some strong magic effects that can be...
  9. Davis West

    Psypher 2.0 Wallet

    I'm currently using the wallet method from Psypher. I love the wallet that is provided with the DVD. Does anyone know where I can get more of those exact wallets?
  10. Davis West

    Psypher 2.0

    Try contacting Penguin, they might be able to send you another one for free
  11. Davis West

    Invisible Deck questions/issues

    Considering investing in a roughing stick. I was given one as a gift by a fellow magician and it is a miracle worker. It makes invisible decks a lot stronger.
  12. Davis West

    Table Hopping Routine?

    Any mentalism trick can be turned into a body language trick with the right presentation. Also, you said that you talk about reading them like a book. I think that could be a great segway to some king of book test.
  13. Davis West

    PK Ring 'noise'

    If you don't want to use glue dots just say, "You'll hear it when it happens." So when the clink noise happens they'll assume it's the magic happening. You'd be surprised how much this works.
  14. Davis West

    Dealing with awkward people

    In the words of Jim Jefferies: "You can't fight hate with hate, it will only cause more hate. The only thing that can beat hate is love. Now love doesn't always beat hate but it does do something. They may not love you right away but something will eventually happen. Everyone will see this...
  15. Davis West

    Please Help With Answering Question!

    I have started to build up an act to music. I'm trying to come up with some quick tricks to do. So I would love to hear some feedback to this question: You're sitting at your school desk and you have the suspicious feeling that you have acquired MAGICAL POWERS. What do you do to test your...
  16. Davis West

    Flexibility and Strength for Hands

    shove your hand between each finger and hold it there for as long as you can try to touch each finger to your wrist and hold
  17. Davis West

    New Review Show

    I've made a new magic review show. There are two episodes and I made sure to review items that aren't commonly on other review shows that deserve recognition. This is the most recent one.
  18. Davis West

    What type of decks do you like?

    Cards that have/are: Bicycle stock Standard faces that don't cause suspicion Inexpensive Can faro and fan very well A design that's intriguing but doesn't draw attention
  19. Davis West

    I wanna improve in everyday objects magic.

    Try this exercise: Gather all of your magic buddies. You can also do this alone. Gather up as many random objects as you can and challenge yourself to make a trick out of them. Try picking objects that you see on a daily basis. I do that with random objects I see in school or have in my...
  20. Davis West

    What is the most direct way to force the number 5?

    Maybe make some forcing die that force the number 5. Two people can be involved. One person rolls the gimmicked die while the other person holds the die with only the number 5, or it can be done with one person by having one hand hold the 5 die and the other hand rolls the forcing die. If that...
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