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  1. Lyle Borders

    Mint Box

    I wouldn't call this "extremely fragile" by any stretch. Yes, it can be damaged if you are careless. If you are taking care of your gimmick you aren't going to damage it at all. That is (mostly) correct. It does one thing, and it does it REALLY well. I am sure you could modify this if you were...
  2. Lyle Borders

    Secrets Within T11 Decks

    Cerca Trova. // L
  3. Lyle Borders

    Secrets Within T11 Decks

    :-) // L
  4. Lyle Borders

    Zodiac by Theory11

    No. Frankenstein is one of the compatable books that works with Zodiac's primary method. It is included with the purchase of Zodiac. // L
  5. Lyle Borders

    White Monarchs V1 Quantity?

    We don't release quantities of our playing cards. Whoever gave you that number either made it up or heard it from someone else who made up that number. // L
  6. Lyle Borders

    Magic Misconceptions you hate hearing

    There are always going to be occasional people who try to mess with you, but you are right. Most people don't do this without cause. If your performance is getting this sort of reaction on a regular basis you are probably directly causing that reaction by your performance. If your performance...
  7. Lyle Borders

    Deck display Return? ( Preferbally a mod answer this)

    We did not restock the Table Top display in November and December. The Table Top Display was discontinued way back when we introduced the Wall Display - The Wall Display replaced it. The Puzzle Pyramid contains a random rare deck. The JAQK Amethyst deck is the newest of the rare decks...
  8. Lyle Borders

    Deck display Return? ( Preferbally a mod answer this)

    Hello! For questions about our store and specific product questions, contact us at The moderators in the forum are volunteers who help make sure the forums run smooth - they aren't theory11 employees working in the store. Regarding the display shelves, these...
  9. Lyle Borders

    Top 5 Jaw dropping Moment in magic's History

    I'm with ChristopherT on this one. What really changed here? A single magic YouTuber lost followers. To me, this is among the most minor of changes in this world. It is only a big deal if you are Jibrizy himself or one of his big fans. This sort of thing happens all the time in magic. ALL. THE...
  10. Lyle Borders

    Monarchs Family

    There are small variations out there (tiny design changes), but aside from that, this is the full list to my recollection: 1. Pre-Release Monarchs (gold ink on navy blue cards, gold foil on navy blue tuck) 2. Original Monarchs (white on navy blue cards, gold foil on navy blue tuck) 3. White...
  11. Lyle Borders

    Monarchs Family

    The cards inside are different too... ;-) // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    What Does Rare Mean?

    This^. Rare does not necessarily mean valuable. Rare: (of a thing) not found in large numbers and consequently of interest or value. I have a one-of-a-kind deck. Custom made for me by a family member. You wouldn't pay me $0.10 for it, though it is among the rarest decks on the planet. On the...
  13. Lyle Borders


    US Playing Card does not print these cards very often. If they run out, it can sometimes be a while before any retailer (like theory11) can buy more. We have blue in stock right now, but are out of red. We will get more red as soon as more are available from USPC. // L
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