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  1. Lyle Borders

    M-Case Restock

    Our supplier is out of stock right now (which is why we are out of stock). Hoping to have more in a couple weeks! // L
  2. Lyle Borders

    Blank Theory11 Cards ?

    I do not believe that normal Aristocrats come with a blank card. You may have seen one of the specially printed versions from another company. theory11 carries standard USPC version of the Aristocrat deck, and they do not have blank cards. None of our custom decks come with blank cards. Some...
  3. Lyle Borders

    Shipping Costs

    One thing to keep in mind is that the more you order the more economical the ship cost gets. The MINIMUM charge for USPS First Class is $14 I believe. If you were to ship an empty box, that is what it would cost. If you ship one deck to the UK, the shipping costs more than the deck. Not very...
  4. Lyle Borders

    Best Theory11 decks for cardistry (besides Monarchs)?

    Every theory11-printed deck is printed on the same stock and with the same finish. They will all handle approximately the same. The biggest key is going to be the design. Pick the design that fits your style when performing. When practicing, it does not matter much. Enjoy! // L
  5. Lyle Borders

    Zandman Book Test - What to Expect?

    I believe there are some duplications, but most pages use a unique word. // L
  6. Lyle Borders

    Blue Monarchs with no barcode on the tuck case

    Recent printings of the Monarch deck (and most theory11 decks) no longer have the barcode on them. That change started a couple years ago, and most decks now feature new art on the bottom flap of the tuck case. // L
  7. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    Correct on both points. // L
  8. Lyle Borders

    Mystery Box

    We do not have any reprint plans for the Black Edition Mystery Box decks at the moment. Not saying they won't ever come back, but it will be a while if we do reprint them. // L
  9. Lyle Borders

    Mystery Box

    Not discontinued - the original Mystery Box deck will be back in stock soon! // L
  10. Lyle Borders

    Zandman Book Test - What to Expect?

    The books are gimmicked, but in such a way that your spectator won't be able to spot anything unusual with the books. It is incredibly simple and super clever! I'm no mentalist and am not familiar with MOABT or the Glance Magazine Test, so I defer to someone else there. The spectator can stop...
  11. Lyle Borders

    Do Monarchs handle any different to the other Theory11 decks (Artisan, High Victorian, Citizen, etc)

    How they "handle" is a matter of opinion. What I can tell you is that we use IDENTICAL stock and finish on the Monarch deck and all other theory11-produced decks. // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    Elite membership card

    Yours is already printed! I personally hand ship every single Elite Member welcome package, so they can take some time to get sent out. Don't worry, you will see yours soon. // L
  13. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    We do not typically release print quantities for our decks. That said, every deck you listed is still in print, and has been printed many, many times already. // L
  14. Lyle Borders

    T&R exposure

    Send a message to our support team at and they can take a look. Please don't share exposure links in the forums - that just spreads exposure. Thanks! // L
  15. Lyle Borders

    Being Creepy?

    First off, glad to see you back! Gotta read the room. If your first trick is French Kiss, and you are getting up in someone's personal space without having established any sort of trust, you are going to come across as a creep. Remember - you are (usually) a stranger. If you come across as if...
  16. Lyle Borders

    Tips on center dealing

    No thread bumping, please! This thread has been inactive for 3 years, no reason to drag it back from the dead. If you want to discuss this topic, feel free to create a new thread. Thanks! // L
  17. Lyle Borders

    Monarchs and this seal

    I can tell you without question that there is NO DIFFERENCE on the outside of the decks when comparing one of the pre-release (144) Monarchs and the first widely-released printing of the Monarchs. There is no seal that indicates you have a pre-release deck, nor is there a printed element, nor...
  18. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Fact Sheet – Monarch NYSM2 Edition

    Here it is – the first in a series of informative posts on the history of theory11 playing cards. The first request we had was one of the most recent additions to the Monarch Family – the Monarch NYSM2 Edition. Monarch NYSM2 Edition playing cards were a single-printing limited-edition product...
  19. Lyle Borders

    Gambling Protection Series - Steve Forte

    No thread bumping. This thread was last active 9(!) years ago. No need to bring it back now. Feel free to create a new thread on the topic if you so wish. Thanks! //L
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