Search results

  1. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    Spoilers. We won't be providing any info on future decks here unless that deck has already been publicly announced. // L
  2. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    I'll add these to my list. Depends on what you mean by "this type". // L
  3. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    Hey everyone, I've seen a lot of questions lately about some of the older versions of our decks. I am guessing this is mostly coming from new collectors who want to get their hands on some of the variants that no longer are available for sale. It is cool that there is traffic out there for some...
  4. Lyle Borders

    Most Rare Deck of Cards?

    No thread bumping, please. // L
  5. Lyle Borders

    The Problem With Magic And The Internet

    I am not here to put my opinion on the subject of YouTube magic being good or bad (though I am going to have to discuss this). I am here to say this - There is nothing as cut and dry as your statement above would have people believe. Have a look at your statement from last week in another...
  6. Lyle Borders

    SvenPad PDF?

    Sounds like you purchased direct from Brett. You will need to contact him through his website. The theory11 version comes with the PDF in your theory11 account, but Brett's version on his site will have a different location for the PDF. They will have to fix it for you there. // L
  7. Lyle Borders

    Dvs/The Seer by Mark Calabrese gimmick alternative?

    No thread bumping, please. This thread was last used two years ago. Please create a new thread on the topic if you would like to discuss. Thanks! // L
  8. Lyle Borders

    Marked Deck

    No thread bumping, please. This thread was last used 5 years ago. Please start a new thread on the topic if you have questions. Thanks! // L
  9. Lyle Borders

    Mystery Box

    Posting here for everyone who keeps coming back - NO SPOILERS! Please, please, please do not talk about specifics here (or anywhere!). The mysteries of the Mystery Box are the entire point of the project, and the instant you spoil one of them for another person they will never be able to see the...
  10. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    Nope - theory11 does not release quantity information about our decks. // L
  11. Lyle Borders

    New STS?

    Not new, not re-released - It is the exact same Self Tying Shoelace you know and love. We just added it to our store for the first time. We just never got around to selling it until this week! // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    Parapen Sharpie Refill

    For questions about products we offer at, please reach out to our support team at They can let you know in detail without exposing the method of the trick. Thanks! // L
  13. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    I do not have any myself. I do not know of a single person outside of theory11 who has them (let alone is selling them), but I will buy one up if I can find it for my own personal collection (I own EVERY other Monarch deck variant that exists!). // L
  14. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    Tuck Case Cards - I don't see a photo anywhere, but they were used for a magic trick during dinner service. The faces had random ingredients on them, and that was used in the trick. // L
  15. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    There are no navy on gold Monarchs. There ARE gold on navy Monarchs, but they are not like the Gold Monarchs. All of the Monarch editions are below. 1. Pre-Release Monarchs (gold ink on navy blue cards, gold foil on navy blue tuck) - Only 144 of these ever released, the rest destroyed. Info on...
  16. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    The Eleven Madison Park Monarchs were printed for Eleven Madison Park only, and haven't been reprinted or available for sale. Sorry! // L
  17. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    Nope. I have not seen a deck of these being offered for years. // L
  18. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    theory11 has exactly ZERO of these. I personally own one single (and opened) deck. A few of our team members have decks. Not a single one is available for sale. The only way you will be able to get your hands on these is to buy one from a collector, and the price will be extremely high I...
  19. Lyle Borders

    Thank you to All the Mods here !!

    Our Mods are great! The best of the best. // L
  20. Lyle Borders

    Variations of Monarchs?

    No, not exactly. Marking changes between versions is not the purpose of the round edges vs the postage stamp edges. We made that change simply for cosmetic purposes. It is one of many indicators that you are looking at a different variation, but there are minor variations that have the same...
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