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  1. Lyle Borders

    The complete Monarch Collection

    Work in progress. // L
  2. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Fact Sheet – The Monarch Collection

    Work in Progress - This page will be the main Monarch page listing and linking to all the Monarch versions. For info about specific variants inside of a major version, please see the page for the specific version. Unlimited Releases: - Monarch (Original Navy) - Silver Monarch (Discontinued) -...
  3. Lyle Borders

    Contraband hidden-safe lamp for Europeans

    The lamp is only available in a US-safe configuration. You will need a voltage convertor and plug adapter for EU outlets. // L
  4. Lyle Borders

    How do you feel about theory11 cards?

    No bashing here! We are squared away on the "Bait and Switch" issue. Wasn't the best or most accurate statement, as you have acknowledged. It is done and behind us. You opinion is your opinion. We all have our own, and we are all allowed to share our own. That is all Peter and Mike did. Zeede...
  5. Lyle Borders

    How do you feel about theory11 cards?

    Yep, you absolutely can have and share your opinion. My point was that we have a specific reason for our designs, and just because our designs don't fall into the top spot in your opinion doesn't remotely mean that they can be classified as bait and switch - particularly when you can see the...
  6. Lyle Borders

    2018 theory11 Holiday Contest - The Wheel Returns!

    The form should show up in 48 hours. You have longer than that to claim it! // L
  7. Lyle Borders

    Nationals are “LUXURY” playing cards, but every other deck is just “PREMIUM”....?

    Good questions! I think you are overthinking it a little bit. We are using those words interchangeably. Decks labeled as "Luxury" don't have any inherent differences from decks labeled as "Premium". We did not intend for there to be any differences, so any differences observed are...
  8. Lyle Borders

    How do you feel about theory11 cards?

    Bait and Switch would be getting photos of only the box, being led to believe that the cards matched, and then getting something different inside. We show you exactly what the cards inside the box look like for every single deck. We do not believe that we have to be held to the idea that the...
  9. Lyle Borders

    Gold monarchs

    Individual sellers. The deck shows theory11 since it is our brand, but we aren't selling it. We can't prevent resellers, so this happens. // L
  10. Lyle Borders

    branching/progressive anagrams?

    No thread bumping. The last post here was in 2016. Thanks! // L
  11. Lyle Borders

    NOCs of Steel Not Marked?

    Maybe.... ;-) // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    Zodiac by Theory11

    Lots of thought went into what dictionary was used. Portability was part of this - Have a stack of normal books you carry around, and you don't introduce the dictionary until later, and from your pocket. Another consideration was that the dictionary had to be easily available in large...
  13. Lyle Borders

    Submitting a trick.!!

    theory11 allows for TWO different kinds of publication. 1. The Marketplace. You create, film, edit, and publish your own trick. You get to do all the work, but you also control all of the creative decisions. You keep a high percentage of your sales as your royalty. You can publish this trick...
  14. Lyle Borders

    Zodiac by Theory11

    It is by line number, not by entry number. A good thing to do here is to keep a playing card or a notecard inside the dictionary - it can be used to more easily count down lines. // L
  15. Lyle Borders

    The Wheel: Week 2!

    Well, I see... 20-ish people posting here every day? We have done almost 60,000 spins on the wheel so far... Yea. This is a TINY sliver of the total # of people spinning. Lots of prizes have been given out! Not correct. Odds are all equal for each spin. We make the odds a bit difficult in...
  16. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    This would indicate one of the first 2-3 printings. This does not mean FIRST Printing. This was flipped pretty early on in the lifecycle of the Monarchs. This changes ALL THE TIME, and indicates nothing. We have swapped back and forth on this multiple times based on availability. This has...
  17. Lyle Borders

    2018 theory11 Holiday Contest - The Wheel Returns!

    Fixed now, thank you! The rules pop up now when you click. // L
  18. Lyle Borders

    Green Tycoons

    Yes, indeed! // L
  19. Lyle Borders

    Holiday Contest Wheel

    You will get an email to claim your prize soon! Congrats! // L
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