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  1. H

    Where to sell Smoke

    I haven't had much time for magic lately with stuff thats going on and i've been trying to save money and Smoke is the only magic thing i have thats worth much. actually now that i think of it i have some sealed decks of cards but im not sure how much they're worth
  2. H

    Where to sell Smoke

    A while ago i bought Smoke by Alan Rorrison and now i want to sell it. I have the thing itself, like 4 refills, the charger, and the DVD. Where should i go about selling this? (I don't know anyone personally who would want it)
  3. H


    a performance for people would be appreciated as well
  4. H

    A Little Curiosity....

    also the king of hearts is the only king without a mustache
  5. H

    playing cards and magicians

    1. Bees because their simple and classic. Also they handle really well and are good for gambling sleights. 2. Derren Brown 3. I buy from theory11 mostly, also dan and dave and a few other places now and then.
  6. H

    Is this new?

    I've never seen that exact handling but i wouldn't say it's original.
  7. H

    What could you do with this magically?

    You could stop the hands of a watch
  8. H

    Half Vanish 2.

    you gotta be careful when your sliding out the card because some cards under it got moved a bit and it doesn' look as clean
  9. H

    All suggestions welcome.

    firstly, i think you should calm down and stop insulting me. The title says all suggestions welcome, which includes mine. I didn't say anything about money, you can put things on the Wire for free. Also, I'm not saying people who learn from Youtube aren't magicians, I've learned things from...
  10. H

    Annistons got talent 2013 HELP!!!

    It's hard to say without knowing what you're already good at, what you know, and your performing style. But if it were me, I would go with mentalism so you could look into a mentalism routine that's under 2 minutes. And I know some people on the forums aren't gonna be happy i said that.
  11. H

    All suggestions welcome.

    I'm really confused as to why you are doing this. I know they're your effects but still, why reveal your secrets publicly? At least on the Wire it's only magicians who are seeing it but on Youtube your just giving out secrets. If you can create good, original effects, why not just perform them...
  12. H

    Effects that make you look smart

    I think you guys are misunderstanding what he's asking. he's not trying to seem like an intelligent or articulate person. He wants tricks that make it seem like you have some incredible mathematical skill or memory. Brian Brushwood's show scamschool has a few good ones like this...
  13. H

    Is this ethical?

    It's perfectly fine as long as their your own original effects. (by the way, you can release them on the Wire for free.)
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