Saturday Night Contest - theory11 turns 14!


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
2015. T11 was offering a nice discount on bricks and therefore had the best prices around on cards like Bees and Aristocrats, so that was what drew me here initially. The card video downloads and then the forums are what kept me coming back.


Elite Member
Mar 12, 2020
Nothing too crazy, but about 4 years ago, I was at Barns & Noble and got a pack of High Victorian cards. I couldn’t believe how nice they were, so I looked up the website, discovered Theory11, and have been a fan ever since!


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
I got interested in Magic and Cardistry back in 2009, and after watching several Dan&Dave videos on Youtube and other places, I arrived to theory11 and got even more into Magic and Cardistry...
Jul 13, 2021
I work for a daycare and I am most known for playing card games with the kids. One of the kids in my class brought the Star Wars deck one day to show me and I was in awe. I knew I had to check out the rest of cards. And now I have the marvel deck and Star Wars decks. I love them!
Dec 28, 2020
Happy Birthday Theory 11!!! First, like probably a decent amount of people, I started watching Chris Ramsey. From him I heard about Art of Play and from them and Ramsey I heard of Theory 11 and fell in the love with not just your cards but with the sry of cards in general. Congrats again!
Oct 2, 2018
My collecting (obsession) started about 4 years ago when I picked up the Artisan deck. That was the first pack of cards I'd bought in over 40 years. All thru my travels in the Air Force I'd play with other people's cards (you have NO idea how many hours I've spent playing're tax dollars hard at work.) THe Artisan deck made me realize just how well planned and executed a card deck should be. It's truly a work of art and reflects T11's obsession with quality and performance. I've since picked up over 250 additional decks...not all T11, but the Artisans hold a special place in my heart. Thanks so much, and here's to wishing T11 continued success and innovation.
Aug 29, 2020
I learned about TXI through a Facebook ad a few years ago. While seeing the beautiful cards did not grab me at first, it did make an impression, and planted a seed in my head. Jump forward to the start of the pandemic, and I was looking for a way to keep my hands busy during those long work from home meetings, and all of a sudden it clicked! All those cool things I see magicians do. The fans and springs and shuffles.... Maybe I could learn to those too! A little over a year later, and I am happy to say that I can and did. Definitely nothing very fancy, but enough to be impressed with myself, and enough to push me to keep practicing and learning.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I found out by seeing the NPH deck in a Chris Ramsay video and thought that maybe I needed some neat decks in my life because they are neat. Found Theory11 selling it, now I can't stop buying amazing things from Theory11!
Congrats Hunter! You have been randomly chosen as the winner of this week's contest! Please send us an email over at to claim your prize.

Thanks so much again to everyone for sharing your stories and what brought you all here to theory11. We are honored and truly grateful for the support shown to us over the past 14 years. None of this would be possible without you, so with our hearts at full capacity - thank you.


Elite Member
May 4, 2021
Congrats Hunter! You have been randomly chosen as the winner of this week's contest! Please send us an email over at to claim your prize.

Thanks so much again to everyone for sharing your stories and what brought you all here to theory11. We are honored and truly grateful for the support shown to us over the past 14 years. None of this would be possible without you, so with our hearts at full capacity - thank you.
Oh my! That is amazing! I am sure my wife will appreciate me having even more decks! 😄

Thank you!

(now I just hope the display shelves come back in stock so I can put everything on the wall)
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