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  1. Lyle Borders

    Chaos deck

    We do love our tricks, haha. This isn't the kind we want to send you though, so we will get it fixed up ASAP. // L
  2. Lyle Borders

    Chaos deck

    Sounds like the wrong deck made it into your box by mistake. Let our support team know at and they can get this sorted out for you ASAP! // L
  3. Lyle Borders

    Gold Artisans

    We restock occasionally. An individual Target may get a deck or two here or there. They are by far the least common deck we sell there. Keep checking back - You aren't limited to a single chance to find one! // L
  4. Lyle Borders

    Are Star Wars Cards Limited Edition?

    We don't release print run quantities, but it can vary anywhere from near the USPC minimum to quantities in the many thousands of decks. // L
  5. Lyle Borders

    Are Star Wars Cards Limited Edition?

    @Magic Orthodoxy pretty much hit the nail on the head here. We don't have one deck printed at a time, we print them in large batches. It is an investment every time we print a deck. Any deck we have ever printed we know would sell again if we brought it back - we have to decide what the best...
  6. Lyle Borders

    Questions about Theory 11 Decks (Particularly Star Wars)

    This happens sometimes, especially with thin-bordered decks like we do. You notice it less on thick bordered decks, but it is probably the most common 'misprint' that we see. If yours is noticeable, let our support team know at Our cards are not traditionally cut. Most...
  7. Lyle Borders

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    Yep, good catch. Haven't added that recent release to this yet. // L
  8. Lyle Borders

    T11 Archive...

    Those were limited edition, and our supply is effectively gone. You won't be seeing those again except possibly as a one-off contest prize or something similar. Usually if we stop selling our older decks it is because our stock has depleted to the point that we are either out or we are down to...
  9. Lyle Borders

    What makes gold artisans more valuable than black/white ones? Are they a limited run?

    Gold Artisans are a unique colorway of the Artisan Deck - the box is a unique gold color, and the Gold color on the cards is foil (vs metallic ink). These are not currently being printed. Other than Target, these have not been supplied to other stores. They are still occasionally supplied as a...
  10. Lyle Borders

    Antique Spade Latern / Other Sold Out Items

    I just enabled re-stock notifications for that product - Head to that page while signed in. You can then click on the notification button to get an email when they are back in! // L
  11. Lyle Borders

    Antique Spade Latern / Other Sold Out Items

    We should have these back in stock soon! Just a supply issue caused by all the recent madness. // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    T11 Archive...

    I've got a brand new, never before seen item getting ready to drop into the Archive any day now! Keep your eyes open for it. And it is definitely time for a good refresh - We will get some other items into there over the coming weeks so you've got some new options! // L
  13. Lyle Borders

    What happened to (PRODUCT) RED?

    The originals were replaced by a new version yesterday, like the original charity:Water playing cards were replaced with a new version when it was time to update the design. // L
  14. Lyle Borders

    Covid19 performer responsibilities?

    Yep. How audiences react is critical. Not magic related, but still applicable here - I shake hands ALL the time. Something that is very, very normal in my circles. I'd normally never bat an eye at the prospect of shaking a hand with a stranger. Yesterday I was picking up takeout and while...
  15. Lyle Borders

    White Gold Monarch‘s v1 & v2

    Easiest way? V1 has a sticker seal with a smooth edge, while V2 has a sticker seal with a postage stamp style jagged edge. // L
  16. Lyle Borders

    Meaning of AG on Artisans?

    Oh, it is a G alright. What if I told you it was a GA symbol? // L
  17. Lyle Borders

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    The original Rarebit deck was green, and is listed on this list as "Rarebit". // L
  18. Lyle Borders

    Theory11 Hollywood Roosevelt Deck?

    We don't know what you are talking about... Coming soon! // L
  19. Lyle Borders

    Dana Hocking Music Rights

    You would have to ask Dana Hocking for permission to use his music, and would likely have to pay him for the right to do so. This thread has been inactive for more than eight years. Please don't bump old threads. If you have a question, feel free to start a new thread to ask. Thanks! // L
  20. Lyle Borders

    52 vs 9ofC

    No thread bumping, please. This thread has been dormant for the better part of a year. If you want to continue on with the subject, post your own ideas or question in a new thread. Thanks! // L
0 Results