Search results

  1. Lyle Borders

    Star Wars Queen of Clubs

    That would be Mon Mothma, a leader in the Galactic Senate before the Empire, and one of the founding members of the Rebel Alliance. She is a key person in the Original and Prequel trilogies, in The Clone Wars and Rebels TV shows, and in the books and comics...
  2. Lyle Borders

    Star Wars Playing Cards

    No R2? We didn't miss R2! He is featured more than any other character in the deck - 111 times in the Light Side deck, and once in the Dark Side deck! R2 is on the Light Side tuck case twice, the back of the 52 cards plus jokers, twice per card, and also on one of the ad cards. R2 just isn't...
  3. Lyle Borders


    Bend is a Streaming / Instant Download video. You can start watching moments after purchase. // L
  4. Lyle Borders

    SNC rules

    Hahaha, this is what happens when I don't host very often. Casey has this locked down! // L
  5. Lyle Borders

    SNC rules

    Good question! Saturday Night Contests are posted in the General Forum ( every Saturday evening. We are based in the US Eastern time zone. I believe we typically post around 7pm. The rules for each contest are posted with each week's...
  6. Lyle Borders

    Uncut Sheets

    Contact or support team at and they can check into this for you! // L
  7. Lyle Borders

    Let's talk about the free wheel spin

    We've awarded the Canon prize, Instant Magic Collection, Instant Card Collection, and probably more that I don't remember off the top of my head. We've also awarded a bunch of free decks, and quite a few signed decks. // L
  8. Lyle Borders

    question about Invisible card by blake Vogt

    Slightly spoilery answer, so I won't say more than this - No, but within some boundaries that the instructional video covers the spectator has a free choice, and they will never know that they were limited in the first place. // L
  9. Lyle Borders

    Phone death.

    That isn't really what he asked. Random number generators use either an algorithm to create what is technically not statistically random, but is functionally random (ie there technically is a pattern that could be observed if you had all of the results to study and a lot of time and computing...
  10. Lyle Borders

    Phone death.

    No. Time has nothing to do with the prizes you win. Random chance only. Every single spin, no matter the time, no matter if it was a free spin or a spin that came from a purchase, no matter who you are - all the same odds, every single time. Good luck! // L
  11. Lyle Borders

    Archive ordering bug?

    Hi there! Sadly we don't see any messages from you. Can you shoot our support team a message? Don't worry, we will get things fixed up! We haven't seen this error before, but with your help we can figure things out. Thanks! // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    Magic for Humans uses camera tricks?

    Nobody argues that he wasn't using stooges in this specific "trick" where he publicly shows the camera the setup which includes around 30 people in on the secret. It is much more of a prank than a magic trick - dozens of people in on it, the main audience as well, and one or two targets. The...
  13. Lyle Borders

    Customs charges to Italy

    The biggest takeaway I would say you should remember is this - be prepared for a customs fee, but hope for none! // L
  14. Lyle Borders

    Customs charges to Italy

    Short answer - Yes, Italian Customs CAN charge you duty, VAT, or other taxes. Longer answer - Maybe. Usually (but not always) packages with low values will make it through without being charged any fees. That said, if your package is high value, it is almost guaranteed that you will be charged...
  15. Lyle Borders

    Holiday Wheel 2019?

    Thanks! We are looking into it now. // L
  16. Lyle Borders

    Holiday Wheel 2019? Go to the link above to collect your free spin once every 24 hours. Every time you earn a new spin, you will be sent an email with a link to use that spin. If you don't see those, check your Spam folder. Good luck! // L
  17. Lyle Borders

    Derren Brown Box Set Value

    Let me re-phrase - We didn't build this to be a marked or one-way deck. The design is not perfectly mirrored four ways, so there are tiny imperfections in the design that allow it to be used as a one-way, if you have eyes sharp enough to read those imperfections in performance. Instead, the...
  18. Lyle Borders

    Derren Brown Box Set Value

    No instructions of any sort, and the deck is not a marked deck or one-way. // L
  19. Lyle Borders

    What Is Trick Review Request?

    When you order a trick, we will sometimes email you a short time later to ask for your review of the trick. If you turn that setting to "Off", you won't receive those emails. // L
  20. Lyle Borders

    Holiday Wheel 2019?

    Our holiday contest starts every year in early December. It is always after a short break post-Black Friday. Keep your eyes peeled for more info! Soon... // L
0 Results