Search results

  1. Lyle Borders

    T11 Deck Factsheets. What Do You Want to See?

    Incorrect. Hearsay info that originally came from unreliable sources and has been circulating around since those decks shipped. This is 100%, absolutely not a reliable way to identify one of these decks. This is the most prominent rumor, and it simply won't die. The Pre-Release Monarchs ARE...
  2. Lyle Borders

    No More Double Backers?

    This is my opinion (I don't design our products, and my opinion does not generally influence what products we create), but... In my opinion there are two reasons. 1. Any card in a gaff deck that is worth using is both relatively easy to make and worth learning how to make. Double backer...
  3. Lyle Borders

    No More Double Backers?

    Monarchs stopped containing double-back cards several years ago - probably 4 or 5 years. This goes for most decks that we sell to a wide audience. We do very few double-back cards these days. While a double-backer can be moderately helpful to magician customers in some instances, it is extremely...
  4. Lyle Borders

    Monarch’s Mandarin problems

    No good! Miscut cards happen occasionally despite our best efforts to catch things like this before we package the decks. No worries! Our support team can help you out with that. Head to and let them know the issue. You can link them to this thread so they can...
  5. Lyle Borders

    Can Quantum Space have refills?

    Gimmick packs are available for Quantum if you have already purchased that trick. Contact our support people at and they can help you with that! // L
  6. Lyle Borders

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    Nice catches. Updated. Aristocrats aren't our decks at all. We didn't design, commission, or provide the major release for those. They are available through US Playing Card just like Bikes or Tally Ho. We helped create Bicycle 125s, hence their place on the list. We had the only major release...
  7. Lyle Borders

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    We don't release print numbers of any of our decks. Sorry! // L
  8. Lyle Borders

    What deck is this

    Haha, just giving you a hard time. We like to tease when new things are in the pipeline. Just saying that there might be more sneak peeks hiding out there... // L
  9. Lyle Borders

    What deck is this

    If you guys think that this is the first time we've teased something like this, we are too subtle... Cerca Trova. // L
  10. Lyle Borders

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    Probably not. The above is as close as we will likely go (which I will get updated shortly with recent decks). When we create decks, we do not care about version numbers in most cases, or keeping track of the teeny, tiny little tweaks. If a tweak makes a deck better in our opinion, we will...
  11. Lyle Borders

    Bicycle Titanium's (v1 & v2)

    This^ is correct. // L
  12. Lyle Borders

    Framing uncut sheets

    This is pretty close, without me getting one out to measure. Will be the same for most all USPC-printed poker-size decks. If you want a perfect fit, then this^ is the way to go. Be warned - it is going to cost $$$. I went the cheap(er) way. I went to Michaels or Hobby Lobby or one of those...
  13. Lyle Borders

    Monarchs blue/ Navy

    Nope - he has that deck in his photo. // L
  14. Lyle Borders

    Standard Bee's Vs. Casino Bee's Vs. Wynn's

    Thread closed. This thread was over a decade old - lets try not to bump old threads. Post a new thread if you have a question. Thanks! // L
  15. Lyle Borders

    Monarchs blue/ Navy

    The only time the color is specified on a sticker is if it is a retailer sticker (like a UPC sticker on decks at Target). That has no bearing on which deck it is (Navy and Blue are both used to identify the same deck). There are a few variations of the Monarchs, but this doesn't mark any of...
  16. Lyle Borders

    Monarch Collectors Guide

    Very detailed, though you can ignore pretty much ever single thing said about the cellophane (unless you are just trying to collect every single tiny variant). The cellphone changes frequently, and in some cases multiple times in the same printing. The cellophane CANNOT be used to determine...
  17. Lyle Borders

    How do I know if Theory11 support has replied to me?

    Support messages are replied to via email! // L
  18. Lyle Borders

    Star Wars Queen of Clubs

    I am well versed in the current cannon, but not anywhere near as much in the Legend material sadly. // L
  19. Lyle Borders

    Holiday Wheel 2019?

    I know it is not going to happen, but if it does - PLEASE SEND PHOTOS! // L
  20. Lyle Borders

    Decks with alternate backs

    Monarchs are available in BLUE, RED, GREEN, and PURPLE, plus other discontinued or limited edition variants not currently for sale. Artisans are available in BLACK and WHITE, and also Gold if you are lucky enough to find one at Target. Tycoons are available in RED & BLUE, IVORY, BLACK, and...
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